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Tangipahoa Parish School System. Established in 1896.



The Tangipahoa Parish School System in partnership with the community is committed to provide strong instructional leadership, a safe and orderly environment, high expectations and a system to measure achievement which enables each student to achieve at his/her maximum intellectual capacity and to become an independently contributing, responsible member of society.

TPSS School Board


IN PHOTO - Back Row:  Rose Dominguez, Jerry Moore, Glenn Westmoreland, Janice Fultz Richards, Brett Duncan, Joey Piazza, Robin Abrams
Front Row: Trent Anthony, Tom Tolar, Melissa Stilley


2025 School Board President
Tom Tolar
985 - 969 - 1843

Board Secretary
Cynthia Jenkins

TPSS School Board Members

2025 Standing Committees

Board Docs


The Tangipahoa Parish School Board meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of every month in the boardroom of the Tangipahoa Parish School System Central Office, 59656 Puleston Road, Amite, LA. 70422. Committee meetings are on the first Tuesday of every month.

Recorded board meetings and committee meetings can be viewed on our YouTube Channel.

All meetings are open to the public and broadcast online via live stream.

Tune in to watch Live Broadcasts of our TPSS Board Meetings
Ways to Watch:
Charter Cable Channel 197
AT&T Government Access Channel 99

  Watch Live Stream


TPSS YouTube Channel

Recorded meetings can be viewed on our Tangipahoa Parish School System YouTube channel.

Subscribe to our channel to receive notifications when new content is published.

Watch Tangischools YouTube

Watch past school board meetings on the TPSS YouTube Channel.



Request Remote Participation by Members of the Public with Disabilities

The School Board shall allow any member of the public with a disability recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act, or a designated caregiver of such a person, to participate in its meetings via teleconference or video conference, and shall facilitate participation by any such person who requests that accommodation prior to the meeting. Members of the public who desire to participate in this fashion shall certify that they meet the definition of a person with a disability recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act when they submit, prior to public meetings, their requests to comment on agenda items and shall comply with the same rules and regulations on speaking applicable to those participating in person at such meetings. In order to accommodate any request to participate as provided herein, any qualified person who wishes to participate in any School Board/Committee meeting by teleconference or remote participation shall provide a written notice and request to the TPSS no later than 10:00 am on the date of the subject School Board meeting by completing this form.

Request Remote Participation Form

Virtual Zoom Information

Click the link below to join the virtual board meeting.

Meeting ID: 868 3787 5134 (for use with a mobile device to join the meeting)

Dial In from a Phone: +1 312 626 6799 US

Got questions? Email or call Cynthia Jenkins


School Board Maps

Tangi SB Plan Maps 2022_Final Revision
First page of the PDF file: TangiSBPlan2022-FinalRevision-Maps

Please note: The districts are solely used for the electing of school board members, not for assigning student to particular schools.


Tangi SB Plan Population Summary_Final Revision
First page of the PDF file: TangiSBPlan2022FinalRevisionPopulationSummary
Tangi SB Plan Resolution 2022_Final Revision
First page of the PDF file: Resolution-TangipahoaSBPlan2022FinalRevision

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