- Student Registration
- Student Transfers
- PreK Application
- Change of Address
- Attendance Zones
- Virtual Learning Option
Student Registration
Tangipahoa Parish School System offers the ease and convenience of online registration.
We also provide enrollment with a personal touch.
Should you need help, reach out to schedule an appointment with us.
Welcome to Tangipahoa Parish Schools!
We are glad you are here and cannot wait to see you in class.
Please select the school year below for which you are registering your child.
Register My Child For School
The Tangipahoa Parish School Board requires every student attending a school in the District and every student seeking initial enrollment in the District to complete online registration and provide proof of residency. All children (including Pre-K & K) enrolling in Tangipahoa Parish public schools are required to meet pertinent eligibility requirements. No student will be excluded from the appropriate school within the school district except by due process or failure to meet specifications of Board policies. The Board recognizes that providing equality of educational opportunities for all children requires objectivity. The Board is equally concerned that all admission policies adhere strictly to applicable legal requirements, e.g. health-related standards.
To register a new student online, parents must have a valid email address and a mobile device.
The Pre-K application window will begin March 1. To schedule an appointment, please go to the Ready Start Tangipahoa website.
As a prerequisite to enrolling in the first grade, parents/guardians must present to school officials evidence of the child having attended at least a full-day public or private kindergarten for a full school year or evidence of the child satisfactorily passing academic readiness screening administered by the School System prior to the time of enrollment.
Homeless or unaccompanied youth will be enrolled according to McKinney-Vento requirements and will be referred to our TPSS Homeless Liaison contact, in order to identify services needed.
Please contact Monica Smith at monica.smith@tangischools.org or 985-310-2191.
Need Help Enrolling Your Child?
Schedule an Appointment with Us
Parents/guardians may complete online registration using mobile devices, or they may schedule appointments to use the mobile devices at the Office of Student Registration.
Call (985) 474-8690 or (985) 474-8691 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Please bring all required documents to your appointment.
The Office of Student Registration
1745 S. W. Railroad Avenue in Hammond
Documents to Bring with You to Your Appointment
- parent/guardian’s photo ID
- student’s original birth certificate
- student’s immunization record
- two (2) proofs of residency in the name of the parent/guardian with physical 911 address (no post office box). Proofs of residency may be any 2 of the following items:
- property tax record
- mortgage document or property deed
- apartment or home lease or notarized statement of the verified property owner identifying himself/herself as the property owner, describing the property, the term of lease, and identifying the leaseholder
- current utility bills showing the physical residence address in the name of the parent/guardian; and,
- In the case of a student living with a legal guardian, the court decree declaring the district resident to be the legal guardian of the student must be presented.);
- a copy of the IEP or IAP (if applicable);
- high school transcript; or official drop packet; and
- custody papers if parents are separated or divorced or if the child lives with a legal guardian.
Have Specific Questions Regarding the documents you need?
See our FAQs below.
Birth Certificate
BIRTH CERTIFICATE: A student must present his/her official birth certificate to the District Registrar in order to be registered for attendance at any school in this district. Only records from an official register of vital statistics will be accepted. A short form birth certification card shall be acceptable. A copy of the certificate will be placed in the student’s cumulative folder as a permanent record. If no birth certificate is presented at the time of registration, the parent shall contact the Office of Student Registration.
Residency Verification
RESIDENCY VERIFICATION: All students seeking to enroll in the district shall be required to register and provide two (2) proofs of their physical 911 address. Students are assigned to schools based upon the 911 physical residence of the parent/legal guardian. All residency information will be examined and, if necessary, investigated to verify the actual residence of the students. Parents/guardians will be provided confirmation of the residency verification. If at any time the residency information is determined to be false or cannot be verified, the student will immediately be transferred to the correct school in the District or withdrawn and directed to enroll in the public school district of actual residence.
Any person who presents or is complicit in the presentation and/or processing of any document that is falsified or otherwise constitutes a fraudulent document presented for the purpose of having a student assigned to a district school for which the student is not zoned to attend under the provisions of the order of the Court shall be subject to penalties for perjury or for making a false statement in a federal legal proceeding. Any time there is a change of address, the parent submits the change of address from OnCourse Connect, the online portal for student information. Parents should contact the student’s teacher to obtain login information for Oncourse Connect. Two (2) proofs of the 911 physical address are required to change an address.
Immunization Record
IMMUNIZATION RECORD: All students entering a school in the District for the first time, including pre-school, kindergarten, elementary and secondary, at the time of registration or entry shall present satisfactory evidence of immunity to or immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases according to a schedule approved by the Office of Public Health, Department of Health and Hospitals, or shall present evidence of an immunization program in progress. An up-to-date immunization record from the provider or the Louisiana Immunization Network for Kids Statewide (LINKS) database is the preferred record of documentation for the Tangipahoa Parish School System.
Amy Dagro
District Registrar
Telephone: 474-8690
Email: Amy.Dagro@tangischools.org
Student Transfers
Amy Dagro
District Registrar
Telephone: (985) 474-8690
Email: Amy.Dagro@tangischools.org
Parents may apply for the following Student Transfers ONLINE ONLY. Magnet transfer applications are being accepted now. All other stuedent tranfer applications will be accepted during the period of April 1-June 1, annually for the upcoming school year. (NOTE: Students who do not reside in Tangipahoa Parish will not be allowed to attend TPSS public schools)
Click the desired transfer button to apply. Magnet transfer applications are now being accepted.
Students may apply for transfers from their home-zoned schools to magnet schools for the purpose of participating in magnet programs. For more information on the magnet transfer application process and procedures, please visit the Magnet School Programs website or contact the magnet office at 985-748-2556.
Elementary (grades PreK - 8) In order for Magnet Transfers to continue from year-to-year in elementary magnet schools, parents must complete the Letter of Intent to return to the magnet school. Once the students complete the highest grade of the elementary school, parents are required to submit an online Magnet Transfer application to attend another magnet school, or students attend their home-zoned schools. Once approved, high school Magnet Transfers continue through grade 12 provided students adhere to the terms of the Magnet Contract.
Transportation of students is provided to magnet schools. The Tangipahoa Parish School System shall provide transportation or, if unavailable, travel compensation to all students who are granted Magnet Transfer status. There is an exception for Montessori schools: Students who reside north of Highway 40 will receive bus transportation to Roseland Montessori, and students who reside south of Highway 40 will receive bus transportation to Hammond Westside Montessori.
See our list of zoned magnet schools and the type of programs that each location offers. Read our TPSS Magnet Selection Process and Priorities.
Questions regarding Magnet Transfers should be referred to DeShea Johnson, Coordinator of Magnet Programs via email (DeShea.Johnson@tangischools.org).
Pre-K students seeking a magnet transfer for their Pre-K year must book an appointment with the Early Childhood Coordinator. Visit the Ready Start Tangipahoa website or email Carmen Brabham (Carmen.Brabham@tangischools.org)
This transfer shall permit an academic transfer for any high school student wishing to attend a high school within the school system other than the student’s attendance zone school for the purpose of enrolling in a TOPS recognized course or courses of student and for the purpose of taking an Advance Placement course or courses not offered at their attendance zone school. The student’s parent, guardian or the student shall be responsible for transportation. Questions regarding Academic Transfers should be referred to Chasity Liuzza, High School Supervisor, via email (Chasity.Liuzza@tangischools.org).
Students who were approved for Academic Transfers for the 2023-24 school year, must reapply for the 2024-25 school year.
High school students may transfer to a school offering a JROTC program not offered at their attendance zone school. The student’s parent, guardian, or the student shall be responsible for transportation. Questions regarding JROTC Transfers should be referred to Chasity Liuzza, High School Supervisor, via email (Chasity.Liuzza@tangischools.org).
Students who were approved for JROTC Transfers for the 2023-24 school year, must reapply for the 2024-25 school year.
This transfer allows students in grades K-12 to apply for a transfer from sending schools to receiving schools where the resulting impact on the receiving school is to increase its socio-economic and cultural diversity. The school district will provide transportation to paired schools. Questions regarding Diversity Transfers should be referred to Amy Dagro, District Registrar, via email (amy.dagro@tangischools.org). (985) 474-8690
The 2024 - 2025 Diversity Transfer chart lists the “Home Zone Schools”(sending schools) and paired “Receiving Schools” according to transportation zones
Diversity Opt Out: Parents wishing to return to their home attendance-zoned schools and who no longer want Diversity Transfers may do so before school begins in August or in December before the second semester begins. Please complete the Diversity Opt Out form.
Children of school employees may attend the school in which the employee works and schools within the said school’s feeder pattern The parent, guardian, or student shall be responsible for transportation. The application can be found in the Employee Portal. Questions regarding Child of Employee Transfers should be referred to Amy Dagro, District Registrar, via email amy.dagro@tangischools.org) (985) 474-8690
Complete the form to apply for your child/children to become a virtual student for the 2024-2025 school year. Your children will not be accepted into the program unless approved and attend mandatory orientation. This application is only for new students coming to the virtual program. Visit the Virtual Learning Option website.
EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES TRANSFER: This transfer shall be available when a school’s principal and the Superintendent deem that extraordinary circumstances exist and a transfer is in the student’s best interest. If approved, the transfer school shall be designated by the Superintendent. Parents should contact their child’s principal before applying for an Extraordinary Circumstances Transfer. Questions regarding Extraordinary Circumstance Transfer should be referred to your child's principal.
Students Who Withdraw From Their Current Schools During The School Year: The parent/guardian will report to the current school and return any school issued learning materials/equipment, pay outstanding fees, and complete the necessary paperwork. If the student will attend another TPSS school, the parent/guardian will provide the school secretary with 2 acceptable proofs of residency, photo ID, and any recent legal custody documents if applicable. Custody by Mandate signed by a notary is not accepted.
STUDENT TRANSFERS AND ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY: Parents and students should be aware that under the 2020 Mutual consent Agreement Plan, athletic eligibility for students attending a school outside the attendance zone in which they reside shall be subject to the rules of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association. Student athletic eligibility for students returning to their attendance zone school from a transfer school shall be subject to the rules of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association.
PreK Application
2024-2025 Request for Early Childhood Seats
We are encouraging public input for the 2024-2025 funding plan. Please direct all comments to Carmen.brabham@tangischools.org. Comments may also be mailed to 59656 Puleston Rd. Amite, LA 70422, faxed to 985-748-2455, or hand delivered to the Academics Department at the Tangipahoa Parish School System District Office.
There are two steps to apply and register for Pre-K. Children who are 4 years old by September 30 of the new school year may apply for a Pre-K seat in the TPSS. To apply, call Carmen Brabham, Early Childhood Coordinator, at 985-748-2539 or 985-474-4383 to schedule an over the phone application appointment. Parents will need to provide the child’s original birth certificate and proof of income from each working adult in the household. Proof of income includes two consecutive check stubs within 2 months of the date of the application from each working adult, or a SNAP letter with the child’s name and a benefit amount indicated on the SNAP benefit letter. No child shall be registered until he/she has been accepted into a Pre-K program. Once the parent or guardian has been notified of the child’s acceptance, the parent should follow the new student registration procedures for registration.
Schedule an Over the Phone Appointment
Carmen Brabham
Early Childhood Coordinator
Change of Address
Amy Dagro
District Registrar
Telephone: (985) 474-8690
Email: Amy.Dagro@tangischools.org
Change of Address
Please report to your child’s school to change your mailing or your physical address. To change your physical address you will need to bring the following documents.
Photo ID of Parent/Legal Guardian
Students Residing with Parent(s): The parent/legal guardian of a student seeking to enroll shall provide the school with at least 2 of the items itemized below as verification of their residential address, each of which must include a physical 911 address with the name of the parent/legal guardian. Any document with a post office box as an address will not be accepted as proof of physical residence. This subsection shall also apply to students who are judicially emancipated and not residing with a parent or legal guardian.
Property tax records;
Mortgage documents or property deed;
Apartment or home lease or notarized statement of the verified property owner identifying himself/herself as the property owner, describing the property, the term of lease, and identifying the leaseholder;
Current utility bills showing the physical residence address and “service location”;
Declaration of Residence (when the parent is living with another person and the parent has no proofs of residence in his/her own name) and a personal home visit by a designated School Board official; and/or
In the case of a student living with a legal guardian or of a student who is of age of majority and residing without a parent or legal guardian, the court decree declaring either the Parish resident to be the legal guardian of the student or the student to be judicially emancipated shall be presented.
Attendance Zones
Virtual Learning Option
Visit our VIRTUAL LEARNING OPTION page or enrollment information.