TPSS Blogs 2024-2025
- What is FAFSA? - JANUARY 2025
- Continuing Education on Christmas Break - DECEMBER 2024
- School Attendance Leads to Academic Success - NOVEMBER 2024
- Social & Safe: Promoting Digital Citizenship During Crime Prevention Month - OCTOBER 2024
- Early Literacy & Dolly Parton's Imagination Library - SEPTEMBER 2024
- New School Year. New Initiatives. New Chances for Success. - AUGUST 2024
- Championing Literacy: Become a Partner in Literacy with TPSS - JULY 2024
- Why “Shop Local” Is a Win-Win for Tangipahoa Parish - JUNE 2024
What is FAFSA? - JANUARY 2025
What Is FAFSA?
FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It’s a form that students complete to apply for federal financial aid for college or career school. By completing the FAFSA, students can determine their eligibility for federal grants, work-study funds, and loans. In Louisiana, FAFSA also serves as the application for TOPS (Taylor Opportunity Program for Students) scholarships. This means that students must fill out the FAFSA to qualify for TOPS scholarships.
The application is completed online at It’s a good idea to gather all required documents ahead of time. Most students will need the following:
- Parents’ Social Security Numbers.
- Parents’ tax returns.
If applicable, the following is also required:
- Records of child support received.
- Current balances of cash, savings, and checking accounts.
- Net worth of investments, businesses, and farms.
Why You Should Fill Out the FAFSA
It’s simple—FAFSA equals free money for those eligible! Completing the FAFSA can open the door to financial aid that helps cover the costs of college or career training. One of the biggest barriers to attending college or vocational programs is affordability. If this is a concern for you, filling out the FAFSA can be a game-changer. Financial aid can make the difference between attending school and missing out on these key educational opportunities.
The Sooner, the Better!
We encourage senior students to fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible because many schools operate on a first-come, first-served basis for financial aid. Universities, for example, often have priority deadlines, and students who meet these deadlines typically receive the best aid packages.
While the federal deadline for FAFSA is June 30th each year, schools typically set their own earlier deadlines. Check the deadlines for the schools you’ve applied to so that you can be sure you complete your FAFSA in time. This information is usually available on the school’s website under the financial aid office section. If you’re unsure about anything you find online, don’t hesitate to call the financial aid office directly.
Need Help?
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry—help is available. Talk to your school counselor for guidance. The Tangipahoa Parish School System offers resources like Career Compass, which provides in-person support to assist students and families in filling out their applications, as well as helpful links and tips available through the TPSS website. Your counselor can help connect you with the resources that work best for you.
Filling out the FAFSA may seem intimidating at first, but it’s an important step toward making your post-graduation dreams a reality. Don’t miss out on the financial aid you’re eligible for—take action today!
Continuing Education on Christmas Break - DECEMBER 2024
Continuing Education on Christmas Break
‘Tis the season for all things merry, bright, and fun! Though your students may be anxiously preparing to bid farewell to the classroom in exchange for holiday fun and freedom from early morning bus stops, there are still countless learning opportunities waiting for them! Parents can take advantage of the additional time with their kids during the Christmas break to encourage real-world application of the skills they learn in the classroom.
Here are some tips to help you incorporate education into your holiday activities:
Teach Math Through Shopping and Baking
Are you trying to finish your Christmas shopping or setting up a household budget for 2025? Have your child sit with you to learn the importance of managing your money during the season! This will give them more perspective into appreciating the hard work that goes into the season, but also helps them put their math knowledge to use by counting money.
Holiday baking is another great way to sneak in a math lesson. Use the time spent preparing and baking cookies for Santa to talk about fractions, addition, division, and other critical everyday skills. You get to spend quality fun, educational time with your child—while also indulging in a cookie or two.
Reading Around the Christmas Tree
If you’re trying to avoid screen time and improve your child’s literacy, setting a reading challenge can be the perfect way to empower your child to read more. You can even set a goal as a family to see who can read the most books before school is back in session and distribute a fun reward to the winner!
Tired of rewatching the same Christmas movies every year? Gather the family together and read your favorite Christmas stories together instead! Not only will you be making memories together, but you’ll be cultivating an appreciation for reading among the whole family.
Give Back to the Community
Reading, math, and science aren’t the only things that your child learns in the classroom that should be practiced at home. Emotional awareness, positive social interactions, and active listening are key components in the emotional development of your student, and these are easy to practice during the holiday season.
Pick a local charity or someone underserved in your life and take your child to volunteer their time or bring them to drop off donations. This can teach them empathy for other people’s situations, excitement and fulfillment over doing something kind, and inspire them to show those skills both in and out of the classroom in the future.
Capitalize on Screen Time
Is screen time something that brings your child joy? Instead of video games, incorporate virtual learning into their time spent on their computer, tablet, or cell phone. Resources like Zearn can be the perfect way to incorporate a virtual gamified experience into your child’s education. Block out times during the break when the only screen time they can have is to learn, then reward them with another activity that they enjoy once it’s complete.
Cooking with a Purpose
The holidays are always centered around food in south Louisiana, so involving your child in the cooking process can be a tremendous educational experience for them. Does your family originate in another region of the world and have a much-loved traditional recipe that you’re cooking? Take that time to share geography and history lessons with your child about their family and culture! Not only will they enjoy learning about their heritage, but they’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that they’ve contributed to the holiday meal.
The holidays are fun, but education can be too! Parents play an important role in the growth and development of the students that we have the pleasure of teaching, and we’re here to empower you with the tools you need to spread joy through education this Christmas break. Visit our TPSS Family Toolkit to learn more about at-home learning activities to enrich the holiday season for your whole family.
School Attendance Leads to Academic Success - NOVEMBER 2024
School Attendance Leads to Academic Success
As part of our district-wide Accept the Challenge theme for the 2024-2025 academic year, TPSS staff are placing a special emphasis on promoting the value of school attendance, supporting habits that encourage attendance, and recognizing our students’ successes in improving attendance rates.
Daily attendance is one of the most important contributors to students' academic success. With the second nine weeks in full swing, we now have a baseline district average for weekly attendance. The district averages so far have been 92.9% in August, 92.4% in September, and 92.5% in October. As the semester progresses, we want to keep that momentum and set a goal to push our future averages even higher.
The Importance of Daily Attendance
Missing a day of school means missing out on having the consistent instruction needed to develop basic skills and learn new concepts. Students in early grades are especially at risk of falling behind in fundamental reading skills, which can result in a snowball effect that impacts all aspects of future learning. Those with learning and thinking differences miss out on opportunities for necessary interventions. This could also result in a learning difficulty failing to be identified. Poor academic results could be seen as a result of absenteeism instead of a learning difficulty, thus resulting in the symptom being confused for the cause.
Poor attendance, especially in the early years of education, can result in a lack of social and emotional development. Students who chronically miss school in the early years of education may fail to develop crucial school readiness skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative thinking. They can also fall behind in social-emotional development as a result.
Ways Parents Can Help Support Good Attendance
There are several strategies that parents concerned with their child's attendance can employ to help make sure that attendance does not become a chronic issue.
- Fostering Healthy Habits
Encouraging students to keep up with proper handwashing and hygiene habits can help them maintain their physical health. Also, trying your best to help provide proper nutrition and making sure they get the proper amount of sleep can go a long way in making sure they stay healthy enough to attend school every day.
- Talking With Your Child
Simple conversations can be the first step in understanding the root causes of absenteeism and working towards a solution. Sometimes all your child may need is someone to listen to them, whether it be a parent or a professional. Providing a safe space to talk can go a long way toward helping maintain and prioritize their mental health.
- Contact the School
Talking with teachers, counselors, and administrators can provide additional information that can help determine the reason your student is missing school more often. By starting a conversation with the school, it not only fosters a mutually beneficial relationship between parents and educators but also demonstrates engagement in your child's life, showing them that you are invested in their success and wellbeing.
- Consider an Evaluation for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan
For students who may be struggling with disabilities or learning differences, these plans can go a long way in getting them the accommodations and support they need to succeed.
- Setting Attendance Goals
By creating a plan and tracking attendance progress with your child, you encourage better attendance and create more opportunities to engage in important conversations and provide emotional support. Helping your student set up a plan to get enough sleep and prepare for the next day the night before can also be effective ways to ensure regular school attendance.
Working Toward Better Attendance is a Team Effort
Improving and maintaining good attendance starts at home, but it continues at school. Teachers, administrators, and other support staff members work together and with parents to help monitor attendance and help students understand how important it is to show up each day. Visit our website to find more information on our attendance policies and access resources that can assist you in keeping school attendance top of mind.
Social & Safe: Promoting Digital Citizenship During Crime Prevention Month - OCTOBER 2024
Social & Safe: Promoting Digital Citizenship During Crime Prevention Month
October is Crime Prevention Month, which makes this a great time to focus not only on physical safety, but also to highlight the importance of digital safety through digital citizenship. With the role that technology plays in our daily lives, understanding how to stay safe online is just as crucial as preventing crime in the real world.
What is Digital Citizenship?
Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology. It encompasses understanding your rights and responsibilities online, practicing safe and respectful behavior, and knowing how to protect personal information in the digital space. At TPSS, we believe digital citizenship is about creating socially-aware and safety-conscious individuals, which is why we dedicate time and resources to educating our community on this important topic.
Physical and Digital Safety: A Unified Approach
Just as we teach children to look both ways before crossing the street, we must provide them with similar instruction on staying safe in the digital world. For instance, making a commitment to create strong passwords is like locking the front door to your home. In today's digital age, it's easy to overlook the risks associated with the online world, but it’s important to teach students that physical and digital safety go hand in hand. Whether they're participating in online classrooms or posting on social media, making responsible decisions online helps prevent harm.
How Parents and Teachers Can Support Digital Citizenship
Parents and teachers play a critical role in guiding students toward responsible use of technology. Here are some practical steps to help ensure that kids conduct themselves safely and respectfully whenever they’re online:
- Establish Clear Guidelines for Online Behavior
Set rules for what’s appropriate to share or post, and make sure students know and understand those rules. Encourage students to think before they share anything online. Is it something they wouldn’t mind their teacher, principal, or future employer seeing? Reinforce the idea that once something is posted, it can be hard to take back.
- Teach Privacy Protection
Explain to students the importance of keeping personal information––like home addresses, phone numbers, and passwords––hidden from public view and securely stored. Encourage the use of strong passwords that are unique and difficult to guess. Remind them not to share these passwords with anyone, even friends.
- Monitor Online Activity and Screen Time
Use parental controls or monitoring tools to keep an eye on what your children are doing online. It’s important to know which websites they visit, who they’re interacting with, and how much time they’re spending in front of screens. Set reasonable screen time limits and balance their online activities with offline ones.
- Discuss Cyberbullying
Have open conversations about cyberbullying and teach kids how to recognize it. Make sure they know to report any kind of bullying, whether they’re the victim or see someone else being targeted. Ensure they understand that what they say online can impact others, just as words do in person.
- Teach Critical Thinking About Online Content
Help students develop a habit of questioning what they see online. Not everything posted on the internet is true, and they should verify facts before believing or sharing content. Encourage them to ask questions like, “Who wrote this?” and “Why was this posted?”
- Encourage Safe Social Media Use
Social media can be fun and engaging, but it comes with risks. Ensure students understand the importance of keeping their profiles private, limiting personal information, and only accepting friend requests from people they know. Just as we teach them not to interact closely with strangers in the real world, the same rule should apply online.
- Foster Respect and Empathy Online
Teach students to be respectful and kind online, just as they are in person. Encourage empathy by reminding them that there are real people behind the screens. Model this behavior yourself and reinforce the idea that what’s posted online affects others.
Working Together for a Safer Community
Crime prevention, whether it's in the physical or digital world, requires a community effort. By working together, we can help to keep everyone safer and more socially responsible online.
Early Literacy & Dolly Parton's Imagination Library - SEPTEMBER 2024
How Early Literacy and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Shape Our Students’ Future
Reading is more than just a pastime; it's a vital tool for academic success and personal growth. Students who fall behind in reading may struggle to meet important benchmarks and face the possibility of being held back a grade. But there’s good news—encouraging strong reading habits early on can make all the difference. Let’s explore how reading benefits our students and how we can work together to foster a culture of literacy.
Cognitive Development and Academic Achievement
Reading is the gateway to knowledge. It sharpens a child’s mind, improves their concentration, and enhances their ability to understand and process information. Studies consistently show that students who read regularly perform better in school—not just in language arts, but in math, science, and social studies as well. When children read, they are exposed to new vocabulary and ideas that help develop critical thinking skills. The earlier we introduce books into a child’s life, the greater their chances of success in school.
Building Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
Books have the unique ability to transport readers into different worlds, allowing students to experience life from perspectives beyond their own. This can boost emotional intelligence, making students more empathetic and understanding of others’ feelings and circumstances. In a world where social and emotional skills are increasingly important, reading is an invaluable tool in nurturing well-rounded individuals.
Reading as a Lifelong Skill
Beyond academics, reading is a skill that will benefit students throughout their lives. Whether pursuing higher education, joining the workforce, or simply navigating everyday life, strong literacy skills are essential. From following instructions at work to staying informed about current events, the ability to read effectively empowers students to engage with the world around them. By encouraging reading, we are setting our students up for lifelong success.
What Happens When Students Fall Behind?
Unfortunately, not every student progresses at the same pace. Reading benchmarks are crucial in helping us identify when a child needs extra support. Without intervention, students who don’t meet these benchmarks face the risk of being held back and lacking a proper foundation for future academic success. This can be disheartening for students and families, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the story. With the right resources and encouragement, students can catch up and thrive.
Sponsor a Child Through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
One of the best ways to encourage reading from an early age is by giving children access to books. That’s where Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library comes in. This wonderful program delivers free books directly to the homes of young children in our community, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to develop a love for reading.
Interested in contributing to this great initiative? For just $30, you can sponsor a child’s access to books for an entire year. And for a donation of $150, you can provide a child with a new book every month from birth until they turn five. That’s 60 books—enough to help build a strong foundation in literacy that will benefit them throughout their lives.
By sponsoring a child, you’re not only contributing to their academic success, but also helping us build a community that values education and literacy. Learn more about how you can help at United Way of Southeast Louisiana and join us in expanding access to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library across Tangipahoa Parish.
New School Year. New Initiatives. New Chances for Success. - AUGUST 2024
August 2024
New School Year. New Initiatives. New Chances for Success.
With a new school year comes new challenges and anxieties for students and parents alike. While back-to-school time may seem routine for seasoned students and teachers, these first few weeks of the school year remain a time of adjustment for others––especially families and students who are either transitioning to a new school or are new to the parish in general. That’s why we want to make it quick and convenient for TPSS students and families to find useful tools that will help them navigate the return to school and support their success year-round.
The TPSS Family Toolkit: Your One-Stop Resource Shop
The TPSS Family Toolkit houses a number of links and resources for families and students to access anytime. These resources are listed alphabetically, and can also be located by using the search bar on our website.
Some highlights and new items to look for in the Family Toolkit include:
Attendance Initiative: Daily attendance is one of the most important aspects of student success. TPSS is partnering up with EveryDay Labs to help keep families up to date on their student’s attendance and provide access to supportive district resources. Families can receive letters and texts about their student’s attendance, including information on how many days the student has missed and how families can connect with available resources to help with issues that may be contributing to their student’s absences.
Cell Phone Policy–ACT 313: While school cell phone policies are nothing new, ACT 313 is. This new law prohibits students from using cell phones on school property during the instructional day. If students bring their cell phones to school for any reason, they must remain turned off and stowed away in a backpack, purse, etc. Violations of this policy will result in immediate confiscation of the device. In rare instances, an acceptable use exception may be granted, but the majority of students must abide by ACT 313 to avoid having their phones removed from their possession.
Academic Calendar: The 2024-2025 academic calendar provides information on all important dates for this upcoming school year, and is conveniently color-coded to allow for a streamlined view of these dates. Families should take note of holidays, half days, and any other key events, and be sure to check back often in case of any changes to the calendar.
Resolving a School-Related Problem
While we do our best to prevent school-related problems, disagreements can and do occur from time to time. TPSS families are encouraged to reach out about important issues by bringing questions and concerns directly to their student’s school through our Resolve a Problem form.
Contact information for each TPSS school can be found on the Resolve a School-Related Problem page. This page also includes TPSS policies for Formal Complaints and Grievances, as well as the procedure for issues involving Discrimination on the Basis of Race.
Steps to Resolve a School-Related Issue:
Contact the teacher or school’s Assistant Principal
Email the teacher or call the school office
Complete a Resolve a Problem form for the school
Contact the Principal
Email the Principal
Call the school office to leave a message
Contact the Principal’s Supervisor
Email the Principal’s Supervisor if the issue is not addressed at the school level
If the issue is not resolved after contacting the school, the principal, or the principal’s supervisor, then parents may contact the Assistant Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Equity Officer, or Family Advocate. Contact information for these individuals can be found at the bottom of our Resolve a School-Related Problem page.
P3–Tap the App
TPSS supports the P3 platform to enhance school safety. The P3 platform and P3 Tips app allow the public to anonymously share information with the Crime Stoppers program, as well as with law enforcement entities, schools, and large corporations around the world. If at any point there is a safety concern, or if you have crime or safety-related information that may be useful to the community, tap the app or submit a tip via the P3 webpage. You can also call the Crime Stoppers Anonymous Tip Line at 1-800-554-JAIL or submit a tip directly to Crime Stoppers of Tangipahoa.
Check in on the TPSS Family Toolkit often and review all the resources available to make this school year the best one yet!
Championing Literacy: Become a Partner in Literacy with TPSS - JULY 2024
July 2024
At the beginning of 2023, we introduced the Tangipahoa Parish School System’s Partners in Literacy initiative in order to find creative, innovative, and encouraging ways to provide more literacy exposure to our elementary-age children. At that time, 46.1% of students in our parish were considered on-level for literacy. With the help of our 60+ Partners in Literacy—local businesses committed to our mission of having every child in our parish read on level by third grade—we have seen significant improvements. Let’s keep that positive momentum going!
Different and Unique Ways Your Business Can Champion Early Literacy:
Sponsor a Child through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library: Dolly Parton's Imagination Library delivers free books to young children in our community. For a donation of only $30, you can sponsor a child for an entire year, while a $150 gift will provide a child with one book every month from birth to age five. We’re counting on your support to expand access to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library throughout Tangipahoa Parish. Learn more about how you can help at United Way of Southeast Louisiana.
Host Storytime Sessions: Invite your employees to read aloud to students at local elementary schools
Volunteer for Literacy Events: Support literacy-focused events such as book fairs, author visits, or reading challenges.
Volunteer Your Expertise: Share your professional skills through mentorship programs, career talks, or workshops that emphasize the importance of literacy in future career success.
Promote Literacy Awareness: Use your platform to raise awareness about literacy issues in the community.
Access to Books: Make your business a community library for students to swap their favorite books for others. To make it special, create a warm and inviting reading nook.
Discounts/Incentives for Reading: Provide discounts or incentives for children who read by offering special deals or rewards for book completions.
Free Book: Provide a free book to children who visit your place of business.
At TPSS, we believe in the power of partnerships to transform education and enrich lives. Join us in our mission to promote literacy and empower the next generation of leaders. Together, we can ensure that every child in Tangipahoa Parish has the skills and confidence to succeed. If you haven’t become a Partner in Literacy yet, fill out our interest form today.
Why “Shop Local” Is a Win-Win for Tangipahoa Parish - JUNE 2024
June 2024
The phrase “shop local” is everywhere these days, but why is it so popular?
For one thing, it’s a quick and simple way to convey an important concept: a pledge by local residents to make hometown businesses their first choice for products and services.
The second—and more noteworthy—reason is because when the phrase “shop local” is transformed into action, it sets off a chain reaction of positive effects that will ultimately lead to more job opportunities, increased economic development, greater financial stability, and better educational outcomes for the entire community.
Convenience Right Around the Corner
Since there are plenty of small businesses scattered throughout Tangipahoa Parish, it’s usually easy for us to find what we need without having to travel far. Whether it's a quick trip to the corner store, a visit to a nearby boutique, or a day spent enjoying a small-town craft fair or farmers market, buying from local vendors can save time, fuel expense, and hassle compared to driving out of town to shop.
Unique and Locally Made Products
When you shop local, you're more likely to find items that can’t be found anywhere else. From handcrafted jewelry to artisanal foods, local businesses offer a variety of one-of-a-kind goods that reflect the character, creativity, and natural resources of our community. These unique products make for special gifts and personal treasures, and they showcase the talent and craftsmanship of our friends and neighbors in Tangi.
Supporting and Investing in Our Community
Every dollar you spend at a local business helps to support and sustain the local economy. This investment in our community ensures that our neighbors and friends who own and work at these businesses can continue to thrive. By choosing to shop local, you’re helping to create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and keep our community vibrant and prosperous.
If you’re in need of a specialty item that none of our Tangi retailers or vendors have available, though, you can still support our parish and our school system if you have to order online instead. Online purchases that are shipped to an address in Tangipahoa Parish are subject to local sales tax, so even highly-specialized or hard-to-find products can bring some benefits home with them. Shopping locally whenever possible just multiplies the positive effects.
Better Service and Personal Experience
Most shoppers appreciate the more welcoming and attentive customer experience that local businesses offer. Business owners and employees in our community are naturally invested in making sure their customers are satisfied, so they’re motivated to provide knowledgeable service, recommendations that fit their individual needs, and a helpful, neighborly atmosphere. All in all, shopping locally creates the ideal formula for receiving quality service from people who genuinely care about your needs. Another bonus of shopping locally is the opportunity to connect with people who live nearby and see familiar faces, since many hometown businesses can also serve as social hubs.
Helping Fund Our Schools and Teachers
One of the most significant benefits of the “shop local” movement is its impact on our education system. In Tangipahoa Parish, a portion of every dollar spent at any local business contributes additional funding for our public schools and helps to secure competitive salaries and raises for TPSS educators. By supporting local businesses, you’re directly investing in the education of our children and the livelihood of our teachers. This vital financial support enables our schools to provide higher-quality instruction and student enrichment programs, and helps to attract and retain skilled, hard-working, and dedicated teachers.
Shop Local!
Shopping locally is a powerful way to support our community, and every purchase you make in Tangipahoa Parish has a ripple effect that improves everyone’s quality of life. Let's continue to invest in the future of Tangi by choosing to shop local.
TPSS Blogs 2023-2024
- ACT High Schooler's Guide to ACT Readiness - APRIL 2024
- Spring Break Adventures: Embracing Outdoor Fun in Tangi Parish - MAR 2024
- What is the TPSS Virtual Learning Option? - FEB 2024
- Nurturing Academic Success: Tips to Keep Homework & Study Sessions Positive - JAN 2024
- Keep Winter Break Worry-Free: A Parent's Guide to Online Safety - DEC 2023
- Ready to Read: Reading Over Winter Break - NOV 2023
- TPSS Advanced College & Career Magnet Center is Open! - AUG 2023
MAY 2024
Summer break is here, and with it comes more free time for students. While it's tempting to spend these months glued to screens, it's essential to encourage meaningful and productive activities. One of the best alternatives? Reading!
How Summer Reading Helps Kids:
Retain Knowledge: Reading over the summer helps students retain the knowledge they gained during the school year. It prevents the "summer slide" where students can lose up to three months of academic progress.
Polish Skills: By continuing to read, students polish their reading, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. It's a great way to stay mentally sharp and prepared for the next school year.
Increase Literacy Skills: Reading regularly improves vocabulary, grammar, and overall literacy skills. It exposes students to new ideas and perspectives, broadening their horizons.
Foster Creativity: Engaging with different genres and stories sparks creativity and imagination. It allows students to explore new worlds and ideas from the comfort of a book.
Tips for Parents to Encourage Summer Reading:
Start a Family Book Club. Choose a book the whole family can read together and discuss. It's a fun way to bond over literature.
Dedicate Bedtime for Reading. Encourage reading before bedtime as part of the nightly routine. It's a calming way to end the day.
Set Screen Time Limits. Balance screen time with reading time. Set limits on devices and encourage reading as an alternative.
Visit the Library. Take regular trips to the library and let your children choose books that interest them. The library offers a wealth of options for all ages.
Lead by Example. Let your kids see you reading for pleasure. Show them that reading is enjoyable and a valuable use of time.
Summer reading isn’t just about keeping up with academics; it's about fostering a lifelong love for learning and discovery. Encourage your child to dive into books this summer, and watch as their minds grow and imaginations soar
ACT High Schooler's Guide to ACT Readiness - APRIL 2024
ACT High Schooler's Guide to ACT Readiness
APRIL 2024
For high school students in Louisiana, the ACT holds significant importance beyond providing a standardized score of academic achievement. It serves as a gateway to the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) scholarships, providing invaluable financial aid for further education. Whether you're aiming for college, vocational training, or technical education within the Louisiana Community and Technical College System, excelling in the ACT is crucial for unlocking opportunities.
As a freshman, it's never too early to start laying the groundwork for ACT success. While full-fledged preparation typically begins towards the end of sophomore year, speaking with your school counselor early on can help you plan ACT prep courses into your curriculum. Discuss your aspirations and strategize the best time to kickstart your studying journey.
Spring semester of sophomore year marks the ideal time to dive into ACT preparation. Explore ACT prep courses, utilize ACT workbooks, and leverage online resources tailored to ACT readiness. Taking practice ACTs can also provide invaluable insights into your performance and help pinpoint areas for improvement.
For juniors, the fall semester is the opportune moment to take your first official ACT test. The first attempt is typically free through your school, but further tests may require a fee. Eligible students can apply for fee waivers, granting access to a free ACT test and additional free official ACT resources. The spring semester should be used as a chance to retake the test and improve your score.
Seniors embarking on their final year of high school can still benefit from ACT testing to refine their scores. However, It's important to consult with your counselor to strategically plan test dates to align with college application and scholarship deadlines. Next, make sure you're sending your scores to your preferred colleges and universities. Additionally, completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is vital, as it's not only required for TOPS eligibility, but also serves as a gateway to various financial aid opportunities.
Whether you're just beginning your high school journey or gearing up for your senior year, mastering the ACT opens doors to a brighter future filled with academic and career opportunities. Learn more about ACT testing and the ACT preparation options available to you at
Spring Break Adventures: Embracing Outdoor Fun in Tangi Parish - MAR 2024
Spring Break Adventures: Embracing Outdoor Fun in Tangi Parish
MAR 2024
As Spring Break approaches, it's time to embrace the great outdoors and make the most of the sunshine-filled days ahead. In today's digital age, it's all too easy for kids to get lost in screens, but it is important to stay active and engaged with the world around us. Whether it's playing tag with friends or kicking a ball in the park, kids should have at least an hour of active play each day. There's a whole world of adventure waiting just beyond the doorstep. Let's dive into some exciting activities to make the most of this break.
Start a Garden: Starting a garden is a wonderful way to teach kids about nature and responsibility. Plus, it's a great way to get them excited about eating their veggies!
Camp Outdoors: Pitch a tent in your backyard or head to one of the beautiful camping spots in Tangipahoa Parish for a night under the stars. Roast marshmallows, tell stories, and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Walk, Bike, Hike: Take advantage of the scenic beauty of Tangipahoa Parish by exploring our historic downtowns on foot or by bike. Remember pedestrian safety as you explore, but don't be afraid to wander and discover hidden gems along the way. For a deeper connection with nature, head to Tickfaw State Park, where you can encounter wildlife and educate your children about the fascinating world of animals and ecosystems.
Scavenger Hunt: Get the whole family involved in a scavenger hunt around your yard or neighborhood. Create a list of items to find, like the biggest leaf or the shiniest rock, and watch as your kids embrace the thrill of the hunt while learning about their environment.
Paint Rocks: Tap into your creative side by painting rocks with inspirational quotes or whimsical designs. Spread kindness and positivity by hiding these painted rocks around your neighborhood for others to find, creating a delightful treasure hunt for local residents.
Spring Break is the perfect time to reconnect with nature, foster creativity, and make lasting memories with your loved ones. So put down those screens, step outside, and embark on an adventure that will leave you feeling refreshed. With so many exciting activities to choose from, there's no limit to the fun you can have in Tangipahoa Parish. Let's make this Spring Break one to remember!
What is the TPSS Virtual Learning Option? - FEB 2024
In the realm of education, things are rarely one size fits all. Students typically have different needs and thrive in different environments. While some excel in the traditional classroom setting, others may find their stride in alternative methods of learning. Recognizing this diversity in student learning styles, TPSS introduced the Virtual Learning Option (VLO), providing an alternative, innovative pathway for students to thrive academically.
What is the Virtual Learning Option?
FEB 2024
The VLO is a tuition-free program tailored to public school students from grades K-12 within the district. This initiative is designed to offer students a flexible and supportive online learning environment through live lessons and one-on-one assistance.
Benefits of the VLO
Provided Materials: With TPSS VLO, there are no tuition fees, no extra costs to purchase supplemental materials, and no worries about arranging extra tutoring or support. The school system also provides laptops for students to use while learning at home, ensuring they have everything they need to succeed.
Dedicated Support: TPSS has a team of certified teachers solely focused on the success of virtual students. With personalized attention and care, students receive the support they deserve to reach their full potential.
Preparation for the Future: Online learning equips students with essential digital literacy skills and independence, preparing them for success in an increasingly digital world. Additionally, the self-discipline and time management skills students develop in an online learning environment can benefit them in higher education and future careers.
Safe Learning Environment: Online learning provides a safe and secure environment for students who may face unique challenges in traditional school settings. It also grants students greater control over their learning environment, enabling them to minimize distractions and create a personal space conducive to concentration and productivity.
Active Engagement: Despite learning remotely, students enrolled in the VLO can still participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs, dances, sports, and even select TOPS Tech and Dual Enrollment Classes.
If you believe the Virtual Learning Option could be a beneficial choice for your family, we encourage you to explore further details and eligibility criteria at TPSS Virtual Learning Option. Registration for the upcoming academic year opens on April 1, 2024.
Nurturing Academic Success: Tips to Keep Homework & Study Sessions Positive - JAN 2024
Nurturing Academic Success: Tips to Keep Homework & Study Sessions Positive
JAN 2024
Many families are aware of the challenges that can arise when their children are completing homework, studying for tests, reviewing class material, or working on projects outside of school hours. Kids may be tired or feeling resistant, while parents and guardians may be unsure how to best support their students as they manage these tasks. Here are some simple practical strategies to help make homework and study time happier and more productive for the entire family.Â
Establish a consistent routine. A sense of structure can help kids feel more secure and understand expectations. Creating a designated time to review class material and catch up on other assignments can make everyone more comfortable, and opens channels for students and parents to communicate about what they’re learning and how they’re feeling.Â
Choose a quiet and comfortable space that is free from distractions. Make sure kids have opportunities to work independently, but also know that you’re close by to supervise and provide assistance when needed.
Offer a healthy snack. If it’s been awhile since your kids last ate, let them “refuel” with some fruit, trail mix, cheese, or similar food. They’ll be more cooperative and alert if they’re not battling hunger or low blood sugar.Â
Encourage students of all ages to tackle studying or skill-building through problem-solving. Talk about how they can prioritize assignments, break up tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, and manage time effectively. These steps cut down on frustration and mental overload, and foster a sense of independence and accomplishment.
Celebrate achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in motivating children to excel. When you recognize accomplishments and praise the effort kids put into their work, you reinforce the idea that perseverance leads to success.
Promote a balance between academics and other activities. While study time is crucial, it's essential for children to engage in extracurricular activities and burn off physical energy. Younger kids especially may need frequent breaks to process what they’re learning and avoid meltdowns.
Be patient and flexible. Every child learns differently, and what works for one may not work for another. If a particular strategy is not yielding results, be open to trying different approaches.Â
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Some academic subjects are more complex than others, and some are outside of a parent’s comfort zone. Homework Louisiana is a free service that is accessible from any public library, home computer, or mobile device. TPSS students and their families can find online tutoring, test preparation, and other educational resources. Visit to learn more about Homework Louisiana.
By implementing these simple strategies, parents can create an environment that nurtures academic success, supports a peaceful and orderly household, and makes at-home learning a more positive experience for all.Â
Keep Winter Break Worry-Free: A Parent's Guide to Online Safety - DEC 2023
Keep Winter Break Worry-Free: A Parent's Guide to Online Safety
DEC 2023
As our TPSS family begins holiday vacation this week, we know our students are probably eagerly anticipating the freedom that comes with a break from school. While holiday break is a time for relaxation and fun, it's essential for parents and guardians to stay vigilant about their children's online activities. The digital world offers numerous opportunities for learning and entertainment, but it also poses potential risks. Here are some practical tips to ensure kids of all ages can stay safe online during winter break.
Open Communication Channels:
- Start by fostering an open and honest line of communication with your children. Encourage them to share their online experiences, interests, and any concerns they may have. Create an environment where they feel comfortable discussing their digital activities without fear of punishment.
Set Clear Boundaries:
Establish guidelines for screen time and content consumption. Clearly communicate the rules regarding which websites, apps, and games are appropriate for their age. Create a schedule that balances online and offline activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Educate About Online Risks:
Take the time to educate your children about potential online risks, such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and online predators. Help them understand the importance of privacy and the potential consequences of sharing personal information.
Install Parental Control Software:
Consider installing parental control software on devices your children use. These tools allow you to monitor their online activities, set time limits, and block access to inappropriate content. Keep the software up to date and adjust settings as needed.
Be Tech-Savvy Together:
Take an active interest in your child's digital world by exploring it together. Learn about the apps, games, and platforms they use. This shared experience not only helps you stay informed about how your kids spend their time online, but also strengthens your connection with your child.
Foster Healthy Online Relationships:
Remind your children about the significance of respectful and positive online interactions. Discuss the importance of kindness, empathy, and responsible behavior when communicating with others in virtual spaces.
Monitor Social Media Activity:
If your child is active on social media, periodically review their profiles and friend lists. Ensure that privacy settings are appropriately configured, and discuss the importance of being cautious about accepting friend requests from strangers.
Establish a Digital Curfew:
Set a designated time for all devices to be turned off each night. Establishing a digital curfew helps ensure that your child gets enough restorative sleep and maintains a healthy balance between online and offline activities.
For more resources to help your kids navigate the digital world responsibly during holiday vacation and all year long, visitÂ
Ready to Read: Reading Over Winter Break - NOV 2023
READY to READ - Reading Over Winter Break
November 2023
While students often look forward to holiday breaks as a time to relax from their regular school routine and enjoy quality time with family and friends, that doesn’t mean that their learning opportunities should stop. Reading is a fun and restful way to keep their minds engaged and their skills sharp, and a Winter Break Reading Challenge may provide some extra motivation for kids of all ages.
Benefits of Reading for Young Children
Early childhood is a time of rapid development, and reading to young children helps to build cognitive skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. The process of understanding and sequencing events in a story triggers a child’s brain to form new connections between cells, enhancing their comprehension, critical thinking, and vocabulary skills. Reading with your child also fosters stronger emotional bonds and creates positive memories for both of you.
Even before children can speak, they’re being introduced to hundreds or thousands of new words and ideas on a daily basis. The more they hear and are exposed to these new words and ideas, and the more they engage with you in learning them, the stronger their language and social skills become. Reading to young children––or with them, when they’re old enough to start reading on their own––sets them up for better academic performance throughout their school years by improving their ability to concentrate, enhancing their problem-solving skills, expanding their capacity for creative thinking, and boosting their self-confidence.
Benefits of Reading for Teenagers
Although teenagers and adults don’t experience the same rapid growth as young children do, reading still strengthens and maintains the complex system of pathways in the brain that allow you to understand and process information.
Reading has also been shown to promote better mental health in older kids and teens. Narrative absorption (the phenomenon of feeling immersed in a story) offers them a space for meaningful contemplation, and also provides them a sense of escape from everyday stresses and problems.
Studies show that reading not only has positive effects on kids’ mental health, but also their physical health. Reading before bed helps teenagers and older children sleep more restfully, which helps stay energized and alert during school days. Forming positive reading habits earlier in life also makes it easier to maintain them as an adult, which can prevent age-related cognitive decline.
Additionally, reading promotes empathy because it allows older kids and teenagers to explore the inner lives of characters and develop the emotional maturity and perspective they need to navigate their own social relationships. Older kids and teens who read more can communicate and express themselves more clearly and effectively as well.
Winter Reading Challenge
If your child isn’t a reader, or if you just want to add an element of healthy competition or excitement, consider starting a new tradition with a Winter Reading Challenge for your kids to complete during the holiday break.
The following tips can help you find the perfect Winter Reading Challenge for your family’s needs.
Find a book that matches your child’s reading level and interests and give it as an early gift. When you treat books like items to be treasured, kids who have difficulty reading can feel less anxious and more excited about it.
Read books aloud with your children. The sound of a parent’s voice is soothing to a child, no matter the age. Your child’s listening comprehension is typically higher than their reading comprehension, so you can introduce more difficult books to children by reading aloud.
Visit the library, or design your own at home. Use lots of color and variety to make it visually appealing. For older kids and teenagers, try to provide lots of options that appeal to their likes and interests.
Choose whatever goal or “prize” suits your family best––whether that’s time spent reading together, a special reward at the end of the challenge, or a positive competition for the whole family.
However you decide to move forward, make a promise to stay involved. Your entire family will appreciate your participation, and the experience will benefit you, too.
Visit Your Local Library
TPSS Advanced College & Career Magnet Center is Open! - AUG 2023
TPSS Advanced College & Career Magnet Center is Open!
August 2023
The Advanced College & Career Magnet Center is a state-of-the-art resource that provides the opportunity for TPSS high school students throughout the parish to receive hands-on career education and training that may not be as readily available at their home campus. Current program offerings with the Advanced College & Career Magnet Center are open to 11th- and 12th-grade students in TOPS University, TOPS Tech, and Jump Start pathways.
The Academy of Advanced Studies includes students who intend to pursue a career in education, as well as those who wish to participate in dual enrollment or Advanced Placement courses in other subject areas.
The Academy of Information Technology offers courses for students interested in Computer Sciences, Video Game Development, Forensics, and other IT careers.
Students can explore careers in Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, Emergency Medical Technician, Patient Care Technician, and other healthcare fields within the Academy of Health Sciences.
The center is located on the former Independence Middle School campus, which has been updated and remodeled to include designed workspaces and specialized equipment that allow students to receive interactive instruction specific to their field of interest and earn valuable industry credentials while still in high school. Students at the Advanced College & Career Magnet Center have access to the same specialized equipment and tools that universities, technical colleges, and working professionals utilize in their own career development and practical experience. As the facility expands, Tangipahoa Parish School System also plans to implement additional programs and areas of focus, such as construction and manufacturing, automotive repair, hospitality and tourism, and culinary arts.
TPSS buses transport Advanced College & Career Magnet Center students from their home campus to attend class, and return them in the afternoons. While enrollment for the fall semester is no longer open, students who are interested in classes that will be offered in early 2024 may have opportunities to register for the second half of the academic year.
The Advanced College & Career Magnet Center’s official ribbon cutting is slated for Thursday, September 7th. Learn more about career and college prep opportunities for TPSS students and stay informed about exciting new program developments by following the Advanced College & Career Magnet Center on Facebook at
For more information, visit us online at
TPSS Blogs 2022-2023
- Caring for Your Chromebook - JUL 2023
- Science Experiments You Can Try At Home - JUN 2023
- Jump Start TPSS - MAY 2023
- Everything You Need to Know About the TPSS Virtual Learning Option - APR 2023
- College & Career Magnet Center TPSS Press Release - MAR 2023
- How To Practice Social-Emotional Learning At Home - FEB 2023
- Let’s Get Loud About Reading Aloud - JAN 2023
- 5 Study Tips to Help you Ace the ACT - DEC 2022
- STAR Academy: A New, Future-Focused Curriculum TPSS Adapts for the Future - OCT 2022
Caring for Your Chromebook - JUL 2023
How to Take Care of Your Chromebook
July 2023
In order to increase the lifespan of your school Chromebook and ensure that it keeps working properly, it’s important to take good care of it. In this post, we’ll go over some basic steps to keep your Chromebook clean and in good, working condition.
Chromebook Care Tips:
When using your Chromebook, it’s important to keep it protected from getting dirty or damaged. By following these basic tips, you can make sure that your Chromebook stays in the best condition and is always ready whenever you need it.
#1 Keep it on a flat surface
By keeping your Chromebook off of the floor and on a flat surface like a table or desk, you can lessen the risk of it getting knocked over, stepped on, or dropped on the floor.
#2 Don’t pile things on top
Your Chromebook wasn’t designed to support heavy weight. To prevent the screen or spine from getting damaged, try not to place anything too heavy on top of your Chromebook.
#3 Keep the keyboard clean and clear
Avoid leaving anything on your keyboard while using your Chromebook. If you close your Chromebook with small items on the keyboard, like pencils or paperclips, there’s a risk of the screen getting scratched or cracked.
#4 Keep food and drinks away
Remember to put your Chromebook away whenever you take a break to eat a snack or have a drink. Crumbs and accidental spills can get in between the keys of your keyboard, which can affect your Chromebook’s performance and increase the risk of additional damage over time.
#5 Be careful how you carry it
Try to carry your Chromebook with two hands at all times. If your Chromebook is dropped too many times or falls more than a few inches, there’s a good chance it will get damaged, stop working properly, or stop turning on.
#6 Keep it charged
Done using your Chromebook for the day? Remember to plug it in! Keeping your Chromebook’s battery fully charged whenever you’re not using it will make sure that it’s always ready for the next time you need it.
#7 Tell your teacher if it breaks
While these tips will help you keep your Chromebook in good condition, accidents can still happen. If your Chromebook does get damaged, stops working, or isn’t working the way it should, tell your teacher as soon as possible! A TPSS teacher or staff member can help you determine whether your Chromebook can be fixed or if you’ll need a replacement.
#8 Remember that your Chromebook is your responsibility
Remember, it’s each student’s responsibility to follow guidelines for keeping Chromebooks clean and in good condition. Students are also responsible for anything they view or click while using a school Chromebook, so remember to stay on approved sites, keep your password private, and log off when you’re done.
#9 Take Care of your Chromebook Cables
Students are also required to use Chromebook charging cables properly. Whenever your Chromebook isn’t charging, be sure to store the charging cables in a dry, safe place. Using the velcro strips attached to the cables to keep them neatly securely rolled will help them stay free of knots and protect them from wear and tear.
Updating Your Chrome Browser
Your school Chromebook will receive regular updates to maintain its performance. If your Chromebook starts having any issues connecting to a website, OnCourse, or Google tools, then it’s likely that your Chromebook needs to be updated. Keeping your Chromebook up to date will help reduce performance-related issues.
How to update your Chromebook:
Log in with your TPSS school account.
Click the bottom right icon with the time, battery life, and WiFi connection.
Click the gear icon at the top right of the panel.
In the Settings, click the link at the bottom left that says “About Chrome OS”.
Click the button labeled “Check for Updates”, and your Chromebook will either start updating or display a message indicating that it’s already up to date.
If your Chromebook starts updating, do not turn it off. Once the update finishes downloading, your Chromebook will show a “Restart Computer” button. Click “Restart Computer” and allow the computer to restart before further use.
Resetting Your Chromebook’s Hardware
Some Chromebook-related problems might require you to reset your Chromebook’s hardware, also known as a “hard reset.”
Before performing a hard reset, make sure your Chromebook is up to date and is fully charged to see if that fixes the issue. Only perform a hard reset if other solutions have failed. A hard reset will restart your Chromebook’s hardware (like your keyboard and touchpad) and might delete some files in your Downloads folder.
How to Hard Reset Your Chromebook:
For most Chromebooks, follow these steps:
Turn off your Chromebook.
Press and hold the “Refresh” key and tap the “Power” button.
When your Chromebook starts up, release the “Refresh” key.
Option 2 for Hard Reset:
Turn off your Chromebook completely.
Hold down the “Refresh” key, then press and hold the “Power” button.
Hold both buttons down for 10 seconds.
Release the “Refresh” key followed by the “Power” button. Your Chromebook should restart. If it doesn’t, press the “Power” button again.Clearing Cache for Google Chrome Browser
You may need to clear your browser’s cache if websites aren’t running properly on your Chromebook.
How to Clear Cache for Google Chrome Browser:
In Google Chrome, click on the “More” menu (3 stacked dots) in the top right corner.
Choose “Settings”.
Scroll down to the bottom of settings and choose “Advanced”.
Under the Privacy and Security section, select “Clear Browsing Data”.
Make sure that there is a check placed in front of “Cached Images & Files”. Click “Clear Data”.
Split Screen
Using “Split Screen” on your Chromebook allows you to work on a task with two windows open at the same time, instead of going back and forth between tabs in the same window.
How to Use Split Screen on Chromebook:
Open your tasks in separate windows. If your tasks are open in separate tabs, right click on one of the tabs and select “Move Tab to New Window”.
Click on one window and use the keyboard shortcut ALT + [
Click on the other window and use the keyboard shortcut ALT + ]
After you’ve split your screen between the two windows, you can adjust the size of each window by hovering your cursor over the dividing line between the two screens.
How to Install the “Read&Write” Extension
Follow these steps to install Read&Write:
Click on this link to open Tangischools browser:
Click on this link: Chrome Web Store
The Google Chrome Web Store will open.
On the left hand side, in the gray area, click
Click the purple Read&Write icon for Google Chrome.
Click “Add Extensions”.
Read&Write is now installed!
Once the extension is installed, you can access it from the Chrome browser toolbar. Click to open the Read&Write toolbar. To have text read aloud, use the “Play” button on the toolbar.
Science Experiments You Can Try At Home - JUN 2023
June 2023
Science doesn’t just take place in the lab. Science is everywhere! Here are 4 simple experiments for your family to try at home using materials you probably already have lying around!Â
Ever notice how water droplets collect on the lid when you boil a pot of water?Â
That’s a bite-sized example of the water cycle in action! The water cycle describes the cyclical movement of water between the Earth and the atmosphere. Our planet’s water is warmed by the sun, causing it to evaporate into vapor (the steam in your boiling pot). Once this vapor reaches the atmosphere, it condenses into clouds before falling back to earth in the form of precipitation—usually as rain or snow.
This process can be recreated on a much smaller scale with a plastic bag, making it a great experiment for families to try at home.
What you need to get started:Â
A gallon-sized plastic bag
Blue food coloring (optional)
Permanent marker
Packing or duct tape
A sunny place to put the bag
Here’s what to do:Â
Illustrate the water cycle on the outside of the bag with your marker.Â
Fill the bag with about 2 inches of water.
(Optional) Add blue food coloring to the water. This helps make changes easier to see!Â
Completely seal the bag, but make sure there’s some air left in it.
Tape your bag to a window with direct sunlight. Place the tape along the very top of the bag.
Give the water time to warm.
Watch as the water at the bottom of the bag evaporates, increasing the bag’s internal humidity. Then, see how the humidity collects at the top of the bag before precipitating as drops of water back to the bottom.
We’ve all been there. You’re taking out a load of laundry. You reach to turn the doorknob, and suddenly—ZAP!—you’re surprised by a jolt of static electricity. But what is static electricity, and how does it work?Â
All materials are made of atoms. Atoms contain even tinier particles called electrons, which carry a negative electric charge. Sometimes, atoms will borrow or steal electrons from nearby surfaces and gain a negative charge. Whether something develops a positive or negative charge depends on the two materials in contact and how much they want to take electrons from each other.
This experiment is a great way to observe the effects of static electricity. Hold your charged comb over your salt and pepper dish to watch as pepper pieces bounce out of your dish!
What you need to get started:Â
A shallow bowl or dish
A spoon
A plastic comb
Here’s what to do:Â
Combine salt and pepper in a small dish. Stir both together.
Run the comb through your hair a few times to build up a charge. (This works best with dry hair.)Â
Hold the statically charged comb over the dish, and the comb will attract the pepper, causing it to jump up out of the dish.
Note: If you’re not seeing good results, try again on a drier day. Our natural humidity in South Louisiana significantly reduces the effects of static electricity. This is because humid air is naturally more conductive than dry air!Â
The shell of a chicken egg is made mostly of calcium carbonate. Vinegar, on the other hand, is a solution composed of acetic acid and water.Â
By soaking an egg shell in vinegar, acetic acid will cause the egg’s shell to dissolve—but not its contents! After the egg’s shell has dissolved, the egg inside will remain intact because of the two very delicate membranes inside the shell.Â
What you need to get started:Â
An egg
A glass jar (big enough to submerge the egg)
Here’s what to do:Â
Fill a glass jar with vinegar.
Add an egg, ensuring that the vinegar covers it completely.
Let the egg sit for about two days. After 12 hours, bubbles and foam will form around the egg and at the top of the jar. This is a sign of a chemical reaction! Calcium carbonate and acetic acid are forming carbon dioxide, which is why bubbles appear throughout the mixture.
Carefully remove the egg from the vinegar and rinse it off.
Observe the shell-less egg. Try shaking it gently. You’ll notice the yolk of the egg bobbing around inside.Â
You can take the experiment a step further by submerging the shell-less egg in a glass of water. Since an egg is mostly made of water, water will move through the egg’s membrane, by osmosis, to equalize the concentration of water inside and outside of the egg. Watch how much it grows!
If you look closely at a glass of water, you'll notice that the water forms a kind of uniform “skin” over its surface. This effect is called surface tension.
This thin, stretchy layer is made up of tiny, invisible molecules that are all stuck together. Billions of these molecules make up a glass of water, but as the particles cling together, they create surface tension where they meet the air.
Surface tension is how pond skaters (the little insects) are able to bounce across the tops of puddles without sinking! You can also see surface tension in action when water droplets form on a smooth surface, like a freshly waxed car. In this experiment, the water’s surface tension keeps paint from sinking.Â
What you need to get started:Â
Water-based paints or quick drying nail polish
Coffee stirrer strawsÂ
A toothpick
A plateÂ
Paper towels
Dish soap
Here’s what to do:Â
Don’t make a mess! Cover your work surface with old newspapers or paper towels.
Place a small amount of dish soap in a separate container.
Pour enough water onto your plate to completely cover the bottom.
Dip your straws into different paint colors and then gently touch them to the surface of the water.
Use a toothpick dipped in soap to poke your paint blobs. Watch what happens! The colors will begin to swirl and form fun patterns.Â
Once you’re satisfied with your art piece, take a sheet of paper large enough to cover the surface of the water and set it gently atop the plate. Let it soak for 5-10 seconds, then carefully lift it off. Use a paper towel to pat the surface of the paper dry.Â
Jump Start TPSS - MAY 2023
Jump Start TPSS
May 2023
Tangipahoa Parish Students Gain Valuable Skills Through Jump Start Summer Program
TPSS’s innovative program empowers high school students to explore careers, acquire skills, and earn money during summer break
Hammond, LA — Jump Start, a comprehensive career and technical education (CTE) program implemented statewide, equips students with essential skills to thrive in their lives beyond high school. The program's primary objective is helping students obtain industry certifications that provide a competitive edge as they enter the workforce.
Jump Start enrollment is open to all TPSS high school students. Last year, the Tangipahoa Parish School System enrolled 159 students in its Jump Start program. This year, however, the school system hopes to fill all 443 slots.
Upon successful completion of their chosen summer class, students enjoy three valuable rewards. Firstly, they earn an industry-recognized credential, validating their proficiency in a specific field. Secondly, they receive a Carnegie unit (or ½ unit), which counts as credit toward both TOPS Tech Career diplomas AND TOPS University diplomas depending on the student’s chosen graduation track. Lastly, students are eligible for a $10 per hour stipend for their class participation during the program.
Due to its emphasis on experiential and collaborative learning, Jump Start enables students to delve deeper into their interests beyond the limitations of the regular school curriculum. When asked about his experience with the program, Ponchatoula High School student Josh Ho replied, “It helped me explore and push my creativity to new levels.” He continued, stating, “The program opened my eyes to countless job opportunities that I never knew existed.”
For the month of June, the Tangipahoa Parish School System is offering 2- to 4-week courses in automotive, welding, electrical, nursing, emergency response, pharmacy tech, coding and computer technology, and even drone piloting. These are either half-day or full-day classes, and transportation to certain locations will be provided based on availability.
For more information about the program, visit
Everything You Need to Know About the TPSS Virtual Learning Option - APR 2023
Everything you Need to Know about the TPSS Virtual Learning Option
April 2023
When we picture a “regular” school day, a few visuals come to mind: waking up early, catching the bus, listening for the bell, speed-walking between classes, catching up with friends in the halls, and of course, spending most of the day at a desk.
The traditional classroom environment isn’t for everyone — because education isn’t one-size-fits-all. What works for some students might not necessarily be the best fit for your student.
If your child struggles in the classroom, online instruction through the TPSS Virtual Learning Option may be just what it takes for them to thrive.
Introduction to the VLOÂ
This flexible and tuition-free program is available to all Tangipahoa Parish public school students from grades K-12.Â
The VLO provides high-quality education with all the tools necessary to succeed — including a school laptop to use at home. Plus, VLO students can still participate in all their favorite programs, including arts, sports, and select TOPS Tech and dual enrollment classes.Â
As opposed to in-person classes, virtual school takes place in the comfort — and familiarity — of your own home.Â
With one-on-one attention and the support from teachers entirely dedicated to online education, virtual students can enjoy learning in an environment that nurtures their learning abilities, helps them develop foundational social emotional learning skills, and accommodates their unique needs.
VLO students also enjoy:Â Â
Class schedules that suit their schedulesÂ
Teachers who specialize in virtual instruction Â
Reduced stress — no more rushing around to get between school, work, and afterschool activitiesÂ
More time for extracurriculars, interests, and hobbiesÂ
More personalized learning through self-paced courseworkÂ
A Day in the Life of VLO Students
Wondering what a virtual school day looks like? Because virtual students aren’t tied to a strict bell schedule, online learning gives them flexibility to choose the routine that best fits their learning preferences and productivity patterns!
Students generally will spend 2.5 to 3 hours a day in live, interactive sessions with teachers and classmates and 3.5 to 4 hours a day completing self-paced activities. In addition, all live lessons are recorded for viewing at a later time. Â
Here’s an example of what a student's schedule might look like:Â
7:45 AM:: Start the day with homeroom check inÂ
8:00-11:00 AM: Live, interactive lessons with the teacherÂ
12:00 PM: LunchÂ
11 AM - 2 PM: Complete assigned classwork to stay on track; Meet with an instructor to set goals, discuss progress, receive help, or ask questionsÂ
After 2 PM: Students can choose to dive even deeper into learning exercises or focus on those extracurriculars and interests they love
Go Virtual with TPSSÂ
Time is running out to register for the TPSS Virtual Learning Option! The 2023-2024 school year Fall Semester registration deadline is June 1, 2023.Â
If you think your child would benefit from online education, or if you’d like to learn more about the VLO, visit the link below to get in touch.Â
Apply Now |]
College & Career Magnet Center TPSS Press Release - MAR 2023
Registration for TPSS’ Advanced College and Career Magnet Center Now Open
March 2023
New Independence, LA campus will offer courses and certifications that will help prepare students for successful transitions into their future careers.
Hammond, LA — After more than a decade of meticulous planning, renovations are currently underway for the Tangipahoa Parish School System’s long-awaited Advanced College and Career Magnet Center in Independence, LA. Located at 300 West 2nd Street, this new campus will provide TPSS juniors and seniors with increased access to Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Enrollment courses, as well as opportunities to attain basic and advanced credentials for career readiness.
The Center’s first classes will begin Fall semester of 2023, ushering in the 2023-24 school year. Currently, there are 3 Academies of study housed within the center: the Academy of Advanced Studies, offering Dual Enrollment courses and a Pre-Educator Pathway; the Academy of Information Technology, offering courses and certifications in Programming and Computer Science; and the Academy of Health Sciences, offering pathways and certifications for students pursuing careers as Medical Assistants, EMTs, Pharmacy Techs, LPNs, and related health fields. Several more Academies are planned for the Center’s future, including an Academy of Hospitality and Tourism, an Academy of Advanced Manufacturing and Construction, and an Academy of Transportation.
“It’s a highly ambitious plan, one that we see taking our students to the next level,” stated Melissa Stilley, School Superintendent. “Through this program, we will be able to expand in-person opportunities for students from throughout Tangipahoa Parish at one centralized location where every student will have access."
Students entering their Junior or Senior years of high school have until March 24th, 2023 to apply for enrollment at the new Advanced College and Career Magnet Center. Admitted students will attend every other day, with classes lasting from 8:15 AM to 11:15 AM. Students return to their respective schools for lunch. Those enrolled can either drive themselves to and from the Center or utilize transportation provided by TPSS. Students and families who are interested in enrolling can visit for more information.
Tangipahoa Parish School System hopes to continue to provide resources that better serve its diverse population, allowing all students opportunities to reach brighter, more equitable futures.
About Organization
Tangipahoa Parish School System’s mission is to provide every student with a high-quality education and a pathway to success. Our vision includes synthesizing a partnership between families and the community to build a safe and collaborative environment where each student will be career ready. For more information, visit
How To Practice Social-Emotional Learning At Home - FEB 2023
How to Practice Social-Emotional Learning at Home
February 2023Â
Social-Emotional Learning, or SEL, is an important part of child development. This type of learning encompasses the process by which individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to build and maintain relationships, adapt, understand emotions, and make responsible decisions.
SEL is based on 5 building blocks:
1. Self-awareness
2. Self-managementÂ
3. Responsible decision-makingÂ
4. Social awareness
5. Relationship skills
By helping your child develop these skills, you are providing them with the foundation they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.Â
Here are a few ways to encourage Social-Emotional Learning at home:Â
Make schedules and to-do lists
Time management skills help children develop self-awareness, self-management, and give them the tools they need to make responsible decisions — three of the SEL core competencies.
One idea for helping your child manage their time is to help them create organized to-do lists. Encourage your child to break down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and teach them to prioritize their activities based on importance. Through doing so, your student will learn how to set achievable goals without feeling overwhelmed.
Another way to promote decision-making skills is to help your child come up with strategies for tackling their next big project. Whether they want to pick up a new sport, ace a spelling test, teach the family dog a trick, or learn an instrument, encourage your child to think about the steps required to reach that goal. Brainstorm potential obstacles and develop plans for overcoming them.Â
Perform random acts of kindness
Social and relationship skills start with extending basic courtesy to others. When children engage in acts of kindness, they are able to develop empathy and compassion, which are essential communication skills.Â
Throughout the day, have your child look for ways to help others. Maybe that means holding the door open for strangers, complimenting a friend's new shirt, saying "thank you", or inviting someone new to play at recess.Â
Play games together
For a fun and enjoyable Social-Emotional Learning activity, bring your household together for a family game night!Â
During game night, children can learn to cooperate with others — an essential skill for developing positive relationships. Multiplayer games also teach children to take turns and work as a team. As you play, your child will encounter problems and learn to solve them using critical thinking skills. By empowering your child as a problem-solver, they will gain the confidence they need to seek solutions to their real-world problems.
Game night also provides children with an opportunity to observe and learn from the behavior of others, including how others react to winning and losing. Through these experiences, children develop empathy and gain a better understanding of others’ emotions.
Volunteer or donate
As children volunteer, they are able to see the positive impact they can have on their community and the world around them. Pick a cause you care about — such as an animal shelter, your church, or a local library — and make it into a family volunteering day.Â
This will teach your child about the importance of helping others, even when it might mean getting nothing in return. Volunteering can expose children to new perspectives, which will help them develop a greater understanding and appreciation for diversity.Â
Consume media with empathy
Another way to foster SEL at home is to make an effort to talk about emotions and how they affect us. Next time you watch a TV show or movie with your child, pay attention to emotional moments and use them as opportunities to start a conversation.Â
Encourage your child to reflect on the characters' emotions. Ask questions like "What do you think the main character is feeling right now?" or "How would you feel if you were in their situation?" As you discuss emotions, you can also model healthy coping strategies for your child. For example, if a character is shown feeling angry or frustrated, you could mention different ways to deal with those emotions — such as taking deep breaths or talking to someone about their feelings.
By engaging in these important conversations and modeling healthy behaviors, you can help your child develop the skills they need to manage their emotions in a positive and productive way.
Let’s Get Loud About Reading Aloud - JAN 2023
Let's Get Loud about Reading Aloud
January 2023
You probably read out loud more than you think.
For many of us, reading out funny emails, memes, or news articles to family members and coworkers is a near-daily ritual. Others will read prayers and blessings for their spiritual practices. Writers will recite their drafts to perfect rhythm and sniff out errors. At some point or another, most of us will read aloud to make sense of recipes, complicated contracts, and instruction manuals.
Why do we read out loud? Our brains are just much better adapted to parsing and remembering spoken language than written language. For this reason, it’s very likely that you remember more song lyrics and movie quotes than book or magazine quotes. Reading aloud consistently improves retention of words and texts compared to reading silently. It also has profound effects on our memory, our cognition, our comprehension, and our self-confidence when communicating.Â
Benefits of Reading Out Loud with Children
The memory-boosting effect of reading out loud is particularly strong in children. Next time you read with your child, take turns reading aloud.
If he or she stumbles over certain words, gently offer guidance on their correct pronunciation. Mistakes are how we learn!Â
Occasionally, you may come across an archaic or rare word that neither of you will be familiar with. There's nothing wrong with admitting you don't know something; learning together is a great opportunity for bonding. Visit a free online dictionary such as Merriam-Webster or to hear the word pronounced out loud. Take turns repeating these words and try incorporating them into your daily conversations.Â
Reading aloud:
Strengthens cognitionÂ
Improves vocabulary and memory
Increases attention spanÂ
Builds connections between spoken and written words
Helps with stutters and speech impedimentsÂ
Boosts self-confidenceÂ
Encourages children to become comfortable with using their voicesÂ
Helps children understand the structure and rhythm of languageÂ
Creative Ways to Incorporate More Out-Loud Reading into Your Daily RoutineÂ
Everyone’s heard the parenting adage “read for 20 minutes every day”. While making time to practice reading skills is very important, we understand that not everyone has the time to sit down and read a book.Â
When you're on the go, reading out loud is easy!Â
Go for a walk around downtown and read historic plaques together.Â
Sing at-home karaoke together.Â
Read dialogue boxes in video games.Â
Read a recipe or ingredient labels while cooking dinner.Â
Take turns reading through the instruction manual before playing a board game.
Read billboards, street signs, car decals, and text on trucks.Â
Visit a museum and read its plaques and posters.Â
Read a newspaper or magazine.Â
5 Study Tips to Help you Ace the ACT - DEC 2022
5 Study Tips to Help You Ace the ACT!
December 2022Â
Every year, hundreds of thousands of high school students across the nation take the ACT, an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities for their admissions and scholarship decisions.
Are you one of the many TPSS students who will soon attempt this important test? No matter if it's your first time around or if you’re a testing veteran, here are 5 tips to help you achieve your best score yet!
1. Get familiar with the test.Â
All students should plan to take the ACT at least twice. Let your first attempt be your “trial run” and use your scores to identify the areas that you struggle with the most. You’ll be able to use these insights to focus your area of study while gaining an understanding of the topics, structure, and types of materials that are typically on the test. Another great way to familiarize yourself with the test's content is to take online practice tests. Be sure to ask your school’s guidance counselor about recommended resources. Â
2. Review questions first, then skim the reading materials.Â
Many students struggle with the Science and Reading portions of the ACT, as these sections are structured around a variety of supplemental materials and sources. Close reading these documents can be a huge time sink. Not only that, but a good portion of the presented information is designed to mislead unaware test-takers. That said, before you read any supplemental documents, you should first review the questions associated with the section. Make sure you understand what each question asks for by underlining what they want you to answer. Then, skim through the documents and identify matching words and phrases.Â
3. Stuck on a question? Don’t waste time — fill in your best guess and move on!
While you may feel like the answer to a question is just on the tip of your tongue, it’s important not to waste too much time on any one question. It’s better for your final score to finish each entire test section than to leave any answer bubbles blank. As you move through the test, circle questions you’re unsure of to come back to later. Bubble in your “guess answer” on your answer sheet. If you’ve got some time left after reaching the end of the section, you can always return to those skipped questions.Â
Remember: Designate one “guess answer” (such as “B” or “C”) and stick to it for the whole test. Keeping a consistent guess answer has been correlated to higher overall ACT scores!Â
STAR Academy: A New, Future-Focused Curriculum TPSS Adapts for the Future - OCT 2022
Star Academy: A New, Future-Focused Curriculum Tangipahoa Parish School System Adapts for the Future
October 2022
Primary and secondary education systems all across the nation are undergoing significant changes.Â
Over the past two years, Tangipahoa Parish School System has faced plenty of our own obstacles: the Covid-19 pandemic, Hurricane Ida, and overcoming the challenges associated with distance learning.
Despite these uncertain times, TPSS continues to work diligently towards pioneering new, innovative, future-proof methods for boosting student engagement, performance, and satisfaction.
Introducing Star AcademyÂ
We know we can’t solve new challenges with old solutions. That’s where Star Academy comes in.
Developed by NOLA Education, an education-innovation organization, Star Academy is a curriculum specially designed by industry-leading educators and researchers. TPSS is one of just three flagship programs in Louisiana!
Best described as a “school-within-a-school,” this new curriculum takes a holistic approach to education, offering personalized support to these at-risk students.Â
Due to increasing numbers of students considered at-risk, Star Academy will serve to lend a gentle helping hand to those who have fallen behind. The program, housed within 5 pre-existing TPSS classrooms, is engineered by experts to establish an environment where students feel empowered to learn and thrive.
Consisting of re-envisioned work spaces, strategically selected furniture, flexible classroom seating, and design that promotes collaboration, Star Academy challenges the traditional understanding of classroom education.Â
Star Academy Breaks the MoldÂ
Star Academy revolves around STEM-focused learning. Through this tech-centric framework, students who are falling behind have the opportunity to strengthen their academics and compete with peers in their grade levels. Star Academy also promotes a strong social-emotional learning foundation, improving students’ interpersonal and communication skills.Â
Currently offered only at Amite Westside Middle School and Greenville Park Leadership Academy, TPSS plans to expand enrollment over the course of this school year. All 7th- and 8th-graders currently attending Tangipahoa Parish public schools, regardless of their school zone, will be considered for admittance to Star Academy programming.Â
We hope to continue to provide resources that better serve our at-risk population, giving all of our students an opportunity to reach brighter, more equitable futures.