- School Bus Rider Information
- Just for TPSS Bus Drivers
- Bus Driver Training Course
- Bus Attendant Training
- Resources
- References
- Transportation Directory
- Fleet Services Directory
School Bus Rider Information
Transportation Department
If anyone needs to contact the Transportation Department with specific questions, please use the contact information below. You may call, email, or text. We encourage you to leave a message via voice mail and to send an email also.
office: (985) 748-2423
fax: (985) 748 - 2537
The Transportation Department of the Tangipahoa Parish School System will provide safe, reliable, caring and courteous service to its students, parents, school administrators and the community through the cooperative efforts of well trained, dedicated professionals.
Which Bus will my child ride?
TPSS School Bus Look-Up Tool
WebQuery helps you determine the schools a student is eligible to attend and the available bus stops. WebQuery also provides a helpful street map. Just enter the student's information and click "Go."
WebQuery helps you match your typed in address with an address in the database by allowing you to enter a partial street name. For example, you could enter "2555 Lex" to match "2555 Lexington Ave N"
If you have questions, please reach out to your child's school. They should be able to assist you. If you still have questions, you can email
Track Your School Bus
EDUlog Parent Portal Lite
Parents/guardians may download the Edulog Parent Portal Lite App through their cell phone’s app store to track their student(s) transportation to and from school.
If parents/guardians have used this app in the past and their child still attends the same school, the code used to register at that time will still work. Those who have never used the app will need to download the app. Contact your child's school for the access code. For student safety reasons, please do not share these school codes publicly.
Please be aware that there may be some discrepancies in the tracking information, such as the wrong bus information showing up when attempting to track your child’s bus. Please be sure to email us at regarding any problems and/or inaccurate information you may receive when using the app so it can be corrected.
Ready to track your bus?
- Download the app to your smart device.
- Create an account and log in to the app.
- Subscribe to our school district and follow your bus.
- View the bus on a map and create alert zones.
- Alter the app settings if needed.
Please contact your child's school for necessary codes.
You may follow multiple buses.
Get the App:
How to Get Started with the App
The video below will walk you through the process of setting up an account and entering the needed information to track your child's bus.
Special Transportation Request
Special Transportation Requests will be handled on a first come, first served basis. Special Requests will not be approved for multiple morning or afternoon addresses and will not be approved on a week-to-week or day-to-day basis, nor for transportation to or from businesses and/or jobs. In addition, Special Transportation Requests will only be granted if seating is available, with priority given to students assigned to the particular bus.
To submit a Special Transportation Request, parents/guardians may access and complete the Form by clicking the following link:🚌 Special Transportation Request Form
Once completed, the online Form will be forwarded electronically to the TPSS Transportation Department and assigned to the appropriate Field Coordinator for approval or denial. After processing, the Field Coordinator will forward the approved or denied Form to the appropriate school.
If the request is approved, the Field Coordinator will contact the bus driver and the school will be responsible for contacting the parent to verify the start date, etc. If the request is denied, the Field Coordinator will notify the parent and school via email of the reasons for denial.
Upon receipt of an approved Special Transportation Request Form, school staff should stamp the Form “Approved” (including the approval date) and make a copy of the Form to give to the student along with a copy of his/her demographic sheet. The student will present both documents to the bus driver when he/she boards the bus.
Special Accommodations
Parents or guardians should notify the school principal regarding any special medical conditions or accommodations that will affect a student’s transportation on the school bus. The “Special Needs Bus Application & Confidential Medical Information Bus Form” must be completed for any student who is determined by the IEP Team to require special accommodations to ride the bus. “Special Needs Bus Applications” require five (5) work days for approval and two (2) additional days after the bus driver receives the approved application before transportation can begin.
School Bus Rider Information
- Verification and Emergency Data Form
- School Bus Issues, Changes, and Delays
- Guidelines for Parents/Guardians to ensure the safety of their student Bus Riders
- Safety Rules for Student School Bus Riders
- Procedures for Waiting for Boarding the School Bus
- Procedures for Exiting the School Bus
- Procedures in Case of an Accident or Emergency
- Procedures for Emergency Evacuation of a School Bus
Verification and Emergency Data Form
School Bus Issues, Changes, and Delays
In the event of bus changes, late arrivals, late departures, schools will make every effort to inform parents when prior notice is provided by the Transportation Department. In the event of emergencies and prior notice cannot be made by the school, parents should be assured that students will be brought home on a bus even if it is not the regularly assigned bus.
Guidelines for Parents/Guardians to ensure the safety of their student Bus Riders
1. Provide the bus driver with the appropriate phone number(s) and emergency number(s) and notify the school and the second bus driver immediately if any telephone numbers change or are disconnected.
2. Provide the bus driver with pertinent written information regarding any special care the student may need while on the bus.
3. Ensure that the student rider meets acceptable hygiene standards before boarding the bus.
4. Have the child at the designated bus stop at least 5 minutes before designated scheduled time and provide the necessary supervision until the bus arrives.
5. Contact the bus driver to obtain their child’s bus stop time and location.
6. Contact the TPSS Transportation Department (985-748-2423) to request a review of the bus stop location if your child is walking more than three-tenths of a mile from the end of their driveway to the bus stop location, if there is a safe alternative. The School System has established that no student will walk more than three-tenths (1600 feet) of a mile from the end of their driveway to the bus stop location, if there is a safe alternative. In the event of inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances, the driver will make the appropriate adjustments to drop the children off at their address, if at all possible.
7. Ensure that any specialized carrying equipment is in safe working order and secure the child into the carrying equipment before he or she boards the bus.
8. Meet the bus upon its return to the designated bus stop at the scheduled time.
9. Make a reasonable and timely effort to notify the bus driver prior to the beginning of the morning run if the child is unable to attend school.
10. Help keep the area to and from the loading area clear of obstacles and unnecessary debris.
11. Help keep bus turnarounds and lanes clear of parked vehicles and garbage cans to provide easy access to bus stops.
12. Call the school in case of an emergency that might prevent the parent from meeting the child at the bus and give the name of the person who will meet the child in place of the parent so the school may give this information to the bus driver. Make sure that this person’s name is on the child’s emergency information form.
13. Provide transportation to and from school if suspension from the bus is authorized.
14. Cooperate with school and the school bus driver in teaching children safety precautions, and good habits for school bus passengers.
15. Assist the bus driver when there are disciplinary problems.
16. Try not to distract the driver during loading or unloading and keep conversations with the driver to a minimum, since this may cause traffic delays or an accident. Parents should schedule a conference with the bus driver by contacting the child’s school.
17. It is against the law and School Board policy to verbally abuse the driver, detain the driver from his or her bus route, or board the school bus. Individuals who violate this Louisiana Law (Statute 14:122) may be prosecuted.
18. Familiarize yourself and follow local School Board and school-level policies regarding school bus transportation.
Safety Rules for Student School Bus Riders
A school bus with undisciplined passengers is a hazardous bus! Student misbehavior can lead to accidents. The driver must concentrate on driving and cannot be expected to constantly supervise the students while the bus is in motion. Therefore, for the safe operation of the school bus, student riders should be aware of and obey the following safety rules:
1. Be on time! The bus cannot and will not wait for you. Cooperate with the driver. Your safety depends on it!
2. Follow the bus driver’s instructions when waiting for and leaving the bus. Do not cross the road until the bus driver gives you the universal crossing signal.
3. Have written permission authorized by the principal to get off at a stop other than your own. Parents may request a “Special Transportation Request Form” from the principal of the school the student attends. There is a five (5) day waiting period for special requests. NOTE: Special transportation requests will be considered on a “space available basis.” Students may only reserve space on one bus each morning and one bus each afternoon.
4. Be courteous, safety conscious, quiet, well-behaved, remain in your seat, and face the front when the bus is in motion.
5. Do not extend your arms, head, or other objects out of the windows and/or doors and do not throw objects in the bus or out of windows and/or doors.
6. The “EMERGENCY DOOR” is to be used only in the case of an emergency. Do not use it at any other time!
7. Help keep the bus clean by not eating and/or drinking on it. Do not use or bring on board the bus alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaping, matches, cigarette lighters, obscene materials, pets. glass objects (except eyeglasses), weapons (including knives), and objects too large to be held in your lap or placed under your seat (including band instruments).
8. Vandalism (damaging the bus by marking on, cutting, tearing, taking apart, etc. the interior or seats) by student bus riders will not be tolerated. Students who damage the bus in any way will be held accountable for paying for damages and their bus riding privileges will be suspended until all monetary obligations have been made to the school district.
9. Keep the center aisle open! Do not put your feet, books, or any other object(s) that may obstruct the walkway in the aisle. Do not fight on the bus! Fighting on the bus will have the same consequences for students as fighting on the school campus.
Procedures for Waiting for Boarding the School Bus
Be at the designated bus stop at least 5 minutes before the normal arrival time of your bus dressed appropriately for the weather (jacket, raincoat, etc.). Wait quietly on the sidewalk. If a sidewalk is not present, wait at least 6 feet (3 giant steps) off the roadway. Avoid pushing, shoving, fighting or rough play. Be careful not to damage private property such as flowerbeds, shrubs, etc. and beware of moving vehicles and pedestrians exhibiting unusual behavior.
If you have to cross the roadway to board the bus, be sure to wait for the driver to give you the universal crossing signal before you begin to cross, then cross at least 10 feet (5 giant steps) in front of the bus. Always look in both directions for oncoming vehicles before crossing. Never cross the roadway behind the bus. Make sure the bus driver can see you at all times. When the bus arrives, wait until the bus stops and the door opens. Then, board the bus in single file when the driver tells you to do so and don’t push or shove others who are boarding. Use the bus handrails at all times when boarding the bus. Be careful when stepping up on slick steps in rainy weather. Once you are on the bus, proceed to the seat that the bus driver has designated for you, sit down, and be quiet. (NOTE: Factors such as safety, physical disabilities, age, and conduct are determining considerations for seat assignments.)
Procedures for Exiting the School Bus
Remain in your seat until the bus arrives at your designated bus stop. Once the bus has stopped, proceed promptly and orderly to the front of the bus. The bus driver will control traffic with the school bus flashing lights and stop arm signal to ensure a safe crossing. Follow your driver’s directions and/or signals while crossing. Use the bus handrails at all times when exiting the bus. Be careful when stepping down on slick steps in rainy weather! Be careful that clothing with drawstrings and book bags with straps are not caught in the handrails or doors. If you have to cross the roadway, cross in front of the bus. NEVER CROSS THE ROADWAY BEHIND THE BUS! Walk at least 6 feet (3 giant steps) away from the side of the bus and then at least 10 feet (5 giant steps) in front of the bus. Wait for the driver to give you the universal crossing signal before you begin to cross. Always look in both directions for oncoming vehicles before crossing. Be sure that the bus driver can see you at all times. If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver. Never try to pick it up because the driver may not be able to see you. Walk directly home by the safest route. Do not go to your mailbox or to a friend’s house. Avoid trespassing on private property and beware of moving vehicles and pedestrians.
Procedures in Case of an Accident or Emergency
All students who ride the bus on a regular basis should be aware of the procedures to follow for emergency evacuation of the school bus. Students who do not ride a bus to and from school on a regular basis must also be instructed on these procedures for extra-curricular activity trips. Report any emergency (fire, smoke, injured or sick student, etc.) to the school bus driver. Remain calm and encourage others to do the same. Stay in your seat until the driver tells you what to do or until you are sure of what is the safest move to make. Do not panic or move without thinking. Do not move injured persons unless absolutely necessary. Do not touch emergency equipment or door control handles unless told to do so by the bus driver, except in the case of an extreme emergency and you are the closest person to the door.
Procedures for Emergency Evacuation of a School Bus
Emergency exits of the bus are as follows: rear emergency door, front entry door, windows, windshield, large rear glass, and roof-mounted escape hatches. In an emergency situation, leave everything on the bus. Your life is more important than your coat, purse, book sack, or lunch box. Passengers closest to the exit should leave first and clear the exit quickly so others can follow. Older students should offer to assist younger students when exiting. If a young child cannot open the door, an older child or two small children could open it. Kick out windows if doors are blocked or stuck. If there is a need to jump from the bus, bend your knees to cushion your landing. Move away from the bus to a saf
School Bus Discipline
The school bus is an extension of the school building; therefore, all school bus behavior incidents shall be reported to the principal within one (1) school day. All incidents will be addressed according to the Tangipahoa Parish Student Code of Conduct Handbook and any exclusionary discipline assigned will follow the same due process procedures as other student incidents.
Just like with any other incident, prevention can play a major role in reducing the amount of incidents on the bus. It is important to note that:
- It is the responsibility of the school to make sure students enter the bus in a way that creates the conditions for positive behavior;
- It is the responsibility of the bus staff to uphold the norms and expectations; and
- It is the responsibility of the family to understand the importance of these expectations and procedures.
- Guidelines for Addressing Incidents and Other Proesses
- Determine the Level of the Bus Behavior Infraction and Build a Response Plan
Guidelines for Addressing Incidents and Other Proesses
- Incidents that occur on the bus will be documented by the bus driver and submitted to the student’s school level administrator. Interventions and consequences for documented behaviors are issued by the school principal or the principal’s designee after the inquiry process.
- In the case that a bus incident involves students from multiple schools, each school building level principal or designee shall consult with each other to discuss the facts of the case. Each school is responsible for determining the appropriate response for the student who attends their school. 103
- At no time shall the bus operator assume authority for suspending bus privileges or taking disciplinary action.
- A pupil damaging a school bus shall be subject to restitution in addition to a discipline consequence. Any pupil suspended off the bus for damages to that school bus shall not be readmitted until payment in full has been made for such damage or until his/her re-admittance is directed by the Superintendent.
- A bus driver must receive a response on his or her submitted referral within two working days after submission.
- If the referral is not returned within the two working day period or the consequence given does not match the noted level system, the driver is to contact the principal for clarification and then his or her area manager.
Determine the Level of the Bus Behavior Infraction and Build a Response Plan
Bus behaviors, like school behaviors, must come with both interventions and consequences depending upon the:
- Severity: How severe was the incident? Was the behavior minor, serious, or severe?
- Impact: What kind of impact did the incident have on the student? Other students? School staff?
- Frequency: How frequently has similar behavior been documented? Is the behavior recurring or was it a one-time occurrence?
- Needs: What does the student need to keep learning and also to change their behavior in the future?
Step #1: Utilize Inquiry Findings to Determine Level - The first step in creating a plan is to thoughtfully align the findings of the inquiry process to the most appropriate infraction level given the severity, impact, and frequency of the behavior.
Step #2: Align Level and Response Plan - Once the level of infraction has been identified, consideration should be made as to the most appropriate response that will support a change in the student’s behavior. This should always include an intervention and may also include a consequence.
Step #3: Document the Plan and Notify the Student and Parent - A parent or legal guardian must be contacted at the phone number, email address or mailing address on file any time a student is seen in the office for discipline.
Bus Infraction codes are the same as school infraction codes. For example, disrespecting a school bus driver is as serious as disrespecting a teacher. Students COULD receive the same consequences for either infraction. There are a few situations that are unique to school buses (moving while in motion, getting on/off at incorrect bus stops) that can also be addressed through our regular coding and Level System. However, it is to be noted that the bus is an extension of the school building and having possession of weapons, knives, drugs, vapes or engaging in serious behavior such as fighting, group fighting, battery, sexual activity or any other crimes will result in not only removal from the school bus, but also referral for a Due Process Hearing and potential removal from school by the Discipline Review Committee.
Read the Policy
Improving school bus safety is the underlying premise to everything we try to accomplish in the Tangipahoa Parish School System's Transportation Department. We truly understand the value of the precious cargo we transport on a daily basis.
Just for TPSS Bus Drivers
Letters to Drivers
Bus Driver Information
Bus Driver Forms
- Bus Policy Acknowledgment form
- Semi Annual Bus Inspection
- Bus Referral form
- Extra Curricular Bus Attendant Trip Form
- Extra Curricular Bus Driver Trip Form
- Extra Curricular Special Education Bus Attendant Trip Form
- Extra Curriculuar Special Education Bus Driver Trip Form
- Fuel Trac Vendors
- Mileage Report/Route Schedule
- Daily Pre-Trip Checklist - 2023
- Passenger List
- Rolling Route
- Seating Chart
- Special Needs Bus Application
- Special Program Application
- Special Program Roster
- Sub Driver List
- Updated Information
Driver paperwork
Bus Driver Training Course
Bus Driver Training Course
Tangipahoa Parish School System Transportation Department offers a 30 hour pre-service training course for those interested in becoming a certified Louisiana School Bus Operator.
You must attend all dates of the training session you choose.
In addition to the this class, operators must obtain a Class A or B Commercial Driver's License with "S" or "P" endorsements and be air brake certified.
Come drive for Tangischools!
Signup TODAY using the button below!
U.S. Citizen
Must be at least 21 years of age
High School Diploma or Equivalent
Acceptable driving record
Criminal background check
Pre-employment drug screening
Ability to pass CDL Physical Exam
- Starting pay of $21.78
- Includes morning and afternoon routes
- Drivers work 180 days annually
- Great benefits (retirement & medical)
- Holidays and summers OFF
- Opportunities to earn extra money by driving field trips, supplemental programs, and summer camps
- District provides bus and fuel card
- District provides bus repairs when needed
For questions, contact the transportation department at: 985-748-2423 or email
Training Opportunities
Feb. 10 - 14
9am - 4pm
TPSS Technology Center
795 S. Morrison Blvd, Hammond 70403
You must attend all days to receive credit for the class.
For additional info, please call (985) 748 - 2432.
March 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 and April 1, 2, 3
5pm - 9pm
TPSS Technology Center
795 S. Morrison Blvd, Hammond 70403
You must attend all days to receive credit for the class.
For additional info, please call (985) 748 - 2432.
Bus Driver Training Dates
Bus Attendant Training
Become a Bus Attendant
Complete this form if you are interested in becoming a TPSS Bus Attendant.
Required: FREE 6 Hour Class
Be Respectful. Be Compassionate. Be Great.
November 8, 2024
9am to 4pm
TPSS Technology Center
795 S. Morrison Blvd, Hammond 70403
You must attend all days to receive credit for the class.
For additional info, please call (985) 748 - 2432.
Louisiana Department of Public Safety Office of Motor Vehicles
1 - 225 - 925 - 6146
School Bus Fleet (SBF)
A pupil transportation periodical dedicated to the student transportation industry
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NHTSA - Safety City
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Safety Page Just for Kids
Louisiana Department of Education - School Transportation Page
Pupil Transportation Safety Institute
School Transportation News (STN)
A pupil transportation periodical dedicated to the student transportation industry.
National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services
National Association for Pupil Transportation
Operation Lifesaver
Railroad Crossing Safety Page
School Bus Information Council
A service of National Association for Pupil Transportation
Bulletin 1886
State of Louisiana, Department of Education, Special Education Transportation Guide (Revised 1993)
Driver Bulletins
Bulletin 119
State of Louisiana, Department of Education, School Transportation Handbook (Revised 2011)
Bulletin 1191
State of Louisiana, Department of Education, School Transportation Handbook (Revised 1998)
Bulletin 1213
State of Louisiana, Department of Education, Minimum Standards for School Buses (Revised 1998)
Bulletin 1475
State of Louisiana, Department of Education, The Louisiana School Bus Driver's Operational and Vehicle Maintenance Procedures (Revised 1998)
Bulletin 1886
State of Louisiana, Department of Education, Special Education Transportation Guide (Revised 1993)
Transportation Directory
Transportation Contact
If anyone needs to contact the Transportation Department with specific questions, please use the contact information below. You may call, email, or text. We encourage you to leave a message via voice mail and to send an email also. We look forward to hearing from you.
office: (985) 748-2423
Fax: (985) 748 - 2537
Office: (985) 748 - 2408
Fax: (985) 748 - 2537
Transportation Supervisor/Risk Manager: Kim Notariano currently works as the Risk Manager for the Tangipahoa Parish School System, and was a school bus driver in our school district for many years. Ms. Notariano holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management and certifications relative to bus transportation, risk management, and driver training. Ms. Notariano may be reached at 985-748-2408 or via email at
Office: (985) 284 - 2005
Office: (985) 284 - 2022
Amite, Roseland, Sumner, Spring Creek, Kentwood
Office: (985) 748 - 2453
Fax: (985) 748 - 2537
Loranger, Independence, Lift Buses
Office: (985) 748 - 2437
Fax: (985) 748 - 2537
TASP, Hammond,Tickfaw, Midway, Natalbany
Office: (985) 748 - 2427
Fax: (985) 748 - 2537
Ponchatoula, Champ Cooper
Office: (985) 748 - 2424
Fax: (985) 748 - 2537
Office: (985) 748 - 2432
Fleet Services Directory
Fleet Services Contact
If anyone needs to contact the Fleet Services Department with specific questions, please use the contact information below. You may call, email, or text. We encourage you to leave a message via voice mail and to send an email also. We look forward to hearing from you.
Rhonda Collins
Office: (985) 284 - 2301
Fax: (985) 748 - 2504
Shawnta Brown
Account Clerk II
Secretary to Supervisor of Fleet Services, Rhonda Collins
Office: (985) 284 - 2027
Fax: (985) 748 - 2504