Language Instruction for ESL Students
Office Location:
500 East Pine Street
Amite, LA 70422
Sandy Duvic
ESL Teacher
Phone: (985) 748-2470
Fax: (985) 748-4928
Title III - Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Immigrant Students
Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Immigrant Students
Funds to support English Language Learners become proficient in English and achieve at high levels in the core academic areas.
Who the Program Serves
This program provides assistance and instruction to English Language Learners. This group of students includes immigrant, migrant, and students who did not speak English as their first language.
Services Provided
ESL instructional strategies are used by certified teachers and bilingual para-professionals to assist students in core academics content while learning the English language.
What Can Title III Do for My EL Student?
Title III funds are used to supplement state language instruction educational programs which are designed to assist English Language Learners' achievement goals.
Additional information can be found at the Louisiana Department of Education website.
How is my EL Student Identified?
English Language Learners are identified through a variety of measures. Registration offices, schools, and the district ESL teacher work as a team to identify students in need of language assistance.
Eleventh - Twelfth Grade Connectors for English Language Learners
Ninth - Tenth Grade Connectors for English Language Learners
Sixth - Eighth Grades Connectors for English Learnersβββββββ
Fourth - Fifth Grades Connectors for English Learnersβββββββ
Third Grade Connectors for English Learnersβββββββ
Second Grade Connectors for English Learnersβββββββ
First Grade Connectors for ELSββββββββββββββ