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Families in Transition

Office Location:

1745 SW Railroad Ave
Hammond, LA  70403



Monica Smith
McKinney-Vento Resource Teacher

Phone: 985-310-2191
Fax: 985-277-5032

Title X Part C - Families in Transition/McKinney Vento Act


Families in Transition/McKinney Vento Act
To ensure that homelessness does not cause children to be left behind in school. 

Who the Program Serves

The McKinney-Vento program is designed to address the problems that the children and youth of families in transition face in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school.  Under this program, state educational agencies must ensure that each child and youth in transition has equal access to the same free, appropriate education, including a public pre-school education, as other children and youth.  Children and youth in transition should have access to the same education and services that they need to enable them to meet the same challenging state student academic achievement standards to which all students are held.  In addition, students in transition may not be separated from the mainstream school environment.  

Services Provided

 Students may be provided uniforms, supplies, payment of supply fees, and other assistance upon completion of required documentation.

Qualifying under the McKinney-Vento Act

A student without a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence is homeless (family in transition).  The definition does not change whether the student is living with a parent or is separated from parents.  Under the McKinney-Vento Act, a student is homeless if he/she has a primary residence that is any of the following:

  • families doubled-up with friends or family, this includes families in which children and parents are in separate places
  • hotels or motels
  • families/individuals living in parks or camping areas
  • shelter/transitional living (i.e. disaster, domestic violence, homeless)
  • displaced due to natural disaster, lack of financial resources, etc
  • vehicles or on the street
  • runaway or throwaway teens, abandoned children
  • families residing in substandard housing in need of great repair or with no utilities (i.e. running water, electricity)