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Following your school's Facebook page is a great way to stay informed on the latest happenings on campus. It is also a fun way to see photographs and read captions which tell the story of all of the wonderful teaching and learning happening at school.

Engaging in the posts in a positive way helps to establish a healthy connection between home and school. Give your school a like or a share.


TPSS School Facebook Pages
Link to Page Username
Tangipahoa Parish School System @Tangischools
TPSS Advanced College & Career Magnet Center @TPSScollegeandcareer
Amite Westside Magnet School @AmiteWestside
Amite Elementary Magnet School @AEMSWarriorPride
Amite High Magnet School @AmiteWarriors
CTE in Tangi @TangiCTE
Champ Cooper Elementary School @CCECougars
Chesbrough Elementary School @ChesbroughElementary
D. C. Reeves Elementary @DCRelementary
Greenville Park Leadership Academy @GreenvilleParkTors
Hammond Eastside Magnet School @HEMSPYP
Hammond Eastside Magnet Upper @HEMSMYP
Hammond High Magnet School @hammondhighmagnet
Hammond Westside Montessori Magnet School @hwmwhirlwinds
Independence High Magnet School @IHMSTigers
Independence Leadership Academy @IndependenceLeadershipAcademy
Jewel M. Sumner High @jewelmsumnerhigh
Jewel M. Sumner Middle School @SumnerMiddleSchool
Kentwood High Magnet School @KentwoodHighMagnet
Loranger Elementary School @LorangerElementary
Loranger High School @LorangerWolfPack
Loranger Middle School @LorangerMiddleSchool
Lucille Nesom Memorial School @LucilleNesomMemorial
Martha Vinyard Elementary School @VinyardVoyagers
Midway Elementary School @MESEagles
Natalbany Middle School @NatalbanyMiddleSchool
O.W. Dillon Leadership Academy @OWDillon
Perrin Early Learning Center @PerrinPandas
Ponchatoula High School @PHSGreenwaves
Ponchatoula Junior High School @PJHSpirates
Roseland Montessori School @roselandroyals
Southeastern Lab School @SLULabSchool
Spring Creek Elementary School @scebeavers
Tangipahoa Parish Virtual Learning Option @TPSSVirtualLearning
Tangi Alternative Solutions @TangiAlternativeSolutions
Tangischools Family Engagement Center @TPSSFamilyEngagement
Tucker Elementary School @TuckerElementary
Woodland Park Magnet School @WPMSwildcats