Special Education
Special Education Department
Serving as the voice, advocate, and visionary for our students.
(985) 310 - 2100
- SPED Department
- April Dunn Policy
- Autism & Related Behavior Disorders
- Child Search
- Cameras in SPED Classrooms
- Educational Rights
- Gifted Education
- Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
- Student Standards
- Student & Classroom Spotlights
- Talented Art, Music, & Theatre
- Resources
- Staff Directory
SPED Department
Rachel DiBenedetto
Special Education Coordinator
Susan Dubois
Pupil Appraisal Coordinator
Melissa Neeson
Child Search Coordinator
Mission Statement
The mission of the TPSS Special Education Department is to
serve as the voice, advocate, and visionary for our students, ages 3-21, with special and unique needs
improve the excellence of identification, evaluation, service, and training
provide the supports that are needed for each child to achieve his or her potential level of education in order to promote independence and productivity after graduation
Helpful Resources
Steve Carter Tutoring Program
Available to K-12 grade public school students who are below reading and mathematics proficiency.
The Steve Carter Tutoring Program provides $1,500 vouchers to families of eligible K-12 public school students per school year. The digital vouchers can be used to purchase high-quality literacy and math tutoring.
Visit the site below to find out if your student is eligible and how to apply!
Steve Carter Tutoring Parent Portal
LASARD Project
LASARD Lunch + Learn: Social Narratives
December 13, 2024 from 12-12:30pm
A social narrative is a personalized story used to help students understand a social situation and assist them in developing a skill, behavior, or response to handle a specific situation effectively.
In this Lunch + Learn, we will explore what social narratives are, how to develop one, how to implement them, and how to evaluate if they are achieving the desired outcome.
Educational Webinar Series
Louisiana's Special Education Playbook
This playbook aims to ensure that all students with disabilities are challenged, held accountable, and provided with the necessary tools and support to reach their maximum potential.
What People are Saying About the Playbook
Bringing the Playbook to Life: IEP Writing Workshop
April Dunn Policy
Autism & Related Behavior Disorders
Autism Awareness
Autism awareness is crucial in fostering understanding and acceptance of individuals on the autism spectrum. It is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others. By increasing awareness, we can break down stereotypes and misconceptions, promoting a more inclusive and supportive society. Understanding the unique strengths and challenges of individuals with autism allows us to provide the necessary resources and accommodations to help them thrive. It's important to celebrate the diversity and abilities of those with autism, recognizing that their perspectives enrich our world in unique and valuable ways. Embracing autism awareness is a step towards building a more compassionate and inclusive world for everyone.
Louisiana Autism Specturm and Related Disabilities (LASARD)
Find resources to help improve the academic, social, behavior, and emotional outcomes for students with disabilities in the school or home environment.
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. This is done through advocacy, services, supports, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families.
Child Search
What Is Child Search?
Child Search is a part of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Child Search is a way for the State Department of Education and local school districts to find children who may need special education services. Child Search is a way to help parents know what to do if they think their child may have a special learning problem or disability.
(985) 310 - 2100
When Should I Be Concerned About My Child’s Development?
At the age of 2 your child should be:
using 2-word phrases (for example, “drink milk”)
know what to do with common things, like a brush, phone, fork, spoon
able to copy actions and words
able to follow simple instructions
able to walk steadily
At the age of 3 your child should be able to:
work simple toys (such as peg boards, simple puzzles, turning handle)
speak in sentences
understand simple instructions
play pretend or make-believe
play with other children and with toys
At the age of 4 your child should be able to:
jump in place
draw horizontal lines, vertical lines, and circles
show an interest in playing games with others
retell a story
follow 2-step directions (i.e., get your shoes and put them by the door)
Understand “same” and “different”
Use personal pronouns (i.e., “me” and “you”)
Speak clearly
At the age of 5 your child should be able to:
show a wide range of emotions
focus on an activity for at least 5-10 minutes
state first and last name
talk about daily activities or experiences
draw simple shapes (i.e., circle, square, triangle)
perform simple self-care (i.e., brush teeth, wash hands, get undressed)
play a variety of games
Who Are We Searching For?
Children who may:
Have academic problems
Not hear / see well
Have trouble following directions
Be slow starters
Have discipline problems
Learn easily and show advanced skills
Babies or Preschoolers who may:
Have chronic illnesses
Not walk or talk on time
Have other developmental problems
Our Team is here to help.
Tangipahoa Parish Child Search
Cameras in SPED Classrooms
Cameras in SPED Classrooms
Requesting Installation of Cameras in Students With Exceptionalities Classrooms
Consistent with La. R.S. 17:1948, a parent or legal guardian may request the installation of a video and audio camera in a special education, self-contained classroom or other special education setting. For more information, please see Tangipahoa Parish School Board policy IDDFC.
Request for Reviewing of Video/Audio Recording in a Students With Exceptionalities Classroom
Consistent with La. R.S. 17:1948, a parent or legal guardian may request “to review a recording” of cameras installed in a special education, self-contained classroom or other special education setting. The state statute also allows for “limitations to a request.” For more information, please see Tangipahoa Parish School Board policy IDDFC.
Educational Rights
Gifted Education
Common Characteristics of Gifted Children
- Ability to comprehend material several grade levels above their age peers
- Surprising emotional depth and sensitivity at a young age
- Strong sense of curiosity
- Enthusiastic about unique interests and topics
- Quirky or mature sense of humor
- Creative problem solving and imaginative expression
- Absorbs information quickly with few repetitions needed
- Self-aware, socially aware, and aware of global issues
Important Forms
- GIFTED INTERVIEW - to be completed individually by BOTH the parent and the teacher
Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
Tangipahoa Parish Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
The mission of the Tangipahoa Public School System (TPSS) Special Education Department is to:
- Serve as the voice, advocate, and visionary for our students, ages 3-21 with special and unique needs
- Improve the excellence of identification, evaluation, service, and training
- Provide the supports that are needed for each child to achieve his or her potential level of education in order to promote independence and productivity after graduation
TPSS Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) focus is on parish wide issues impacting special education. The SEAC believes all student with disabilities have the right to a free and appropriate public education in a safe environment conducive to learning.
SEAC membership is established through LA ACT 576
SEAC Membership Form
2024-2025 SEAC Member Meetings
Each SEAC shall meet at least three times a year and shall submit a written report to the local public school superintendent and the LDOE Special Education Advisory Panel in May of each year regarding its activities. The local school superintendent shall ensure that the report is posted on the district’s website.
September 30, 2024
November 12, 2024
January 28, 2025
April 29, 2025
TPSS Family Resource Center 1745 S.W. Railroad Avenue, Hammond, LA
4pm - 5pm
If you have any questions or concerns regarding SEAC, please contact Mrs. Rachel DiBenedetto, Special Education Coordinator at (985) 310-2121 or rachel.dibenedetto@tangischools.org
Student Standards
Student & Classroom Spotlights
Khalil McKnight, 12th Grade Hammond High | NOCCA Visual Arts Level III
NOCCA Visual Arts Student Selected As Finalist In Prestigious YoungArts Competition
New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA) Visual Arts student and Hammond High Magnet senior, Khalil McKnight was notified by the National YoungArts Foundation that he has been chosen as a YoungArts Finalist.
Khalil will travel to Miami in January for National YoungArts Week to collaborate with peers and exhibit his work. As a finalist in his senior year, he is also eligible for nomination as a U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts-one of the nation’s highest honors for high school students.
The YoungArts program has been identifying, recognizing and inspiring America’s most outstanding young artists since 1981.
Artist Statement
My work centers around the idea of police brutality and the inescapability of racial stereotypes. Inspired by Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, I depict myself in situations where I’m either unable to be recognized as an individual, or am only recognized by the clothing I wear. Unfit to free myself from the shackles of prejudice, I look into the eyes of viewers, pleading to them, yet showing acceptance by my disposition to the inevitability of my oppression. Black hoodies and the naked, vulnerable, body are a common motif throughout my work. The juxtaposition between clothed and unclothed ironically illustrate how stereotypes strip us of our unique identities and force us to conform to society’s ideals of the black male.
NOCCA provides arts training in Classical Music, Creative Writing, Culinary Arts, Dance, Drama, Jazz, Media Arts, Musical Theatre, Entertainment Production Design, Vocal Music, and Visual Arts to high school students across Louisiana. Admission is by audition, and tuition is free. Interested students should visit www.nocca.com and to download an application for the 2023-24 school year.
NOCCA is an agency of the state of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, Governor
Talented Art, Music, & Theatre
Talented Art, Music, & Theatre
Does your child have a unique talent in the area of art, music, or theater?
A teacher may refer your child to the School Assistance Team for screening to determine if a state talented evaluation is warranted. The school will need permission from you to proceed with the screening. The permisson slip is listed below.
TPSS Permission for Talented Screening in Art, Music, or Theatre
Please use our resources below to help your child prepare for their screening, and if they pass the screening, the state evaluation.
Screening & Testing
Talented Art
Talented Art
Characteristics of Visual Art Talent
- Work goes beyond simple representation to include details or elements of selfexpression, feelings, or moods, fresh approach to ways of viewing things.
- Includes more detail than typical; is meticulous to an almost excessive degree; catches on to balance, foreshadowing, perspective, and shading very easily; enjoys challenging expenences.
- Lines and details display a high degree of empathy or attention to characteristics and details that others miss.
- Is eager to work with new media or subject matter and continues to attempt to master each one (NOTE: A student may learn to draw a favorite subject matter quite well through constant practice, but this skill does not transfer to other subject matter. The same situation may occur in regards to a particular media in which a student has worked frequently).
- Anxious to participate in art activities beyond assignments, both in and out of school.
Student Preparation for Visual Arts Screening
- PART I - Students are required to bring their portfolio of artwork for the screening.
- At minimum (3) pieces of art; The pieces of art must cover three major areas:
- still life ( cars, flowers, motorcycles, etc.)
- landscapes ( outdoor scenes, houses, trees, etc.)
- figures (people, animal, etc.)
- Artwork must be an original - no cartoons, copy work, or step by step activities
- Include a variety of techniques; May include:
- drawing
- painting
- printmaking
- collage
- photography
- graphic/digital art, etc.
- One piece of artwork required in each of the 3 categories should be done in a different medium, such as pencil, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, crayon, or digital media.
- No 3 dimensional work should be submitted
- At minimum (3) pieces of art; The pieces of art must cover three major areas:
- PART II - Students will be given a drawing assignment during the screening. All necessary materials will be provided.
What to expect for your Talented Visual Art State Evaluations
Parents/Guardians will be notified of the results of the Visual Art Screening. Art portfolios will be returned to the students who did not pass the Visual Art Screening. If your child passed the Visual Art Screening, then their Art portfolios and screening results were forwarded to the Special Education office to await scheduling of the state evaluations. Parents/Guardians will be contacted by the Special Education office to obtain permission and schedule an appointment time for the state evaluation.
- The Special Education office cannot give out any information about the test other than what is below.
Diagnostic Assessments
- Grades K-6
- Art Recognition Test: Minimum of 12 points required.
- Narrative Drawing Test: Minimum of 26 points required
- Grades 7-12
- Design Judgement Test: Minimum points 26 points required
- Drawing Test: Minimum of 42 points required
Talented Music
Talented Music
Characteristics of Musical Talent
Demonstrates technical ability on instrument/voice
- Seeks out opportunities to participate in musical activities both in and out of school
- In sensitive to the rhythm and changes in tempo of music
- Carries tune easily and with confidence
- Performs one or more instruments in exceptionally musical manner
- Is recognized by peers and professionals as talented
- Demonstrates high levels of concentration for a sustained period of time while practicing
- Is eager to improve and readily accepts new solutions to technical problems
- Is eager to attempt new styles/periods of music
Student Preparation for Music Screening
PART I - Student will be screened by at Talented Arts Representative at their school.
- PART II - During this screening, students will be:
- Interviewed on their interest and involvement in music
- Will participate in "music games" to determine musical skill and natural ability (recognizing high/low, same/different pitches and rhythms)
- Perform two musical selections of contrasting styles on their instrument/voice (i.e. Fast/slow piece and lyrical piece.) The student may also sing for one selection and play an instrument for the 2nd if they chose to do so. Students MUST be prepared.
- Vocalists are encouraged to sing with accompaniment. Singing along with a vocalist on CD or track is not appropriate. However, a "Karaoke" type accompaniment is acceptable, as long as the vocal part is not heard.
- Accompanists are allowed for the audition, but not required.
- Memorization is not required. However, the piece should be well rehearsed and performance ready.
- If written music is available, please have copies for the evaluator.
- If the student has written any original music, copies should be brought to the audition and performed.
- PART III - Parent will be notified of screening results and the screening process will proceed to the State Evaluation for Talented Music or if the student does not qualify to proceed the state evaluation, the parent will receive recommendations of the notifications of results.
Students should bring all necessary music and instruments and accompaniment along to the music screening and evaluation. If the student is proficient on more than one instrument they should be prepared to perform on each for the audition. A piano and sound system will be provided by the district. The initial music screening will take place at the student's school. The state evaluation will take place at Amite High School Auditorium, Amite Louisiana.
State Evaluation
What to Expect for your Talented Music State Evaluations
Parents/Guardians will be notified of the results of the Music Screening. If your child passed the Music Screening, then their screening results were forwarded to the Special Education office to await scheduling of the state evaluations. Parents/Guardians will be contacted by the Special Education office to obtain permission and schedule an appointment time for the state evaluation.
A COPY of the sheet music to be performed MUST be brought to be used by the evaluators. We have included several websites that you can print sheet music for a minimal cost and some are even free.
State Evaluation Tested Skills
Grades K-12 (all) | Grades K-3 (only): Test | Grades 4-6 (only): Test | Grades 7-12 (only): |
- One music instrument of the student's choice
- Instrumental performance of two prepared music selections of the student's choice or one original piece.
- Note: A piano will be provided. Any other instruments must be provided by the student.
- VOCAL MUSIC - only
- Vocal performance of two prepared selections of the student's choice.
- Important Note: The student may bring an accompanist to the audition. If a prepared CD, Bluetooth, or any playable audio of the selection is brought to use as the accompanists. It is very important that any audio file that is brought should not have a lead vocal line. Only background instruments and/or background vocals are allowed.
Talented Theatre
Talented Theatre
Characteristics of Theatre Talent
Seeks out opportunities to perform formally or informally
Shows a marked ability to reproduce detailed physical and/or vocal behaviors of others
- Shows a variety of facial expressions and body movement
- Can create an imaginary or scripted character different than themselves using a variety of physical and vocal characteristics
- Uses a variety of vocal changes and inflections in reading or telling stories
- Communicates ideas with creativity, feeling and detail
- Displays emotions freely
- Can improvise situations/actions physically
- Can improvise dialogue
Preparation for Theatre Screening
PART I - All students will be interviewed about their theatre interest and participation.
PART II - Students will be taken through a variety of activities dealing with movement, use of voice, creativity, characterization, imagination, pantomime, and improvisation.
PART III - (4th - 6th grades only) Students will be required to act out one memorized monologue from the prepared list (approximately 45 - 60 seconds). Costume and props are not allowed (a chair will be provided). Preparations should include the following:
• Plan your movements and how you will use the space available
• Memorize your lines and your movements
• Rehearse until you know the monologue completely
• Ask others to watch you and give you some suggestions
- PART I - All Students will be interviewed about their theatre interests and participation.
- PART II - Students will be taken through a variety of activities dealing with movement, use of voice, creativity, characterization, imagination, pantomime, and improvisation.
- PART III - Students will be required to act out one memorized monologue (approximately 2 minutes in length) from the following State approved lists of plays. Costume and props are not allowed (a chair will be provided inf needed).
Helpful Hints:
- What is a Monologue?
- When one character speaks at length to others or to him/himself, a monologue must make sense alone without the dialogue of others, like a short story taken out of a longer work.
- When selecting a monlogue look for:
- A character about your own age
- Material two to three minutes in length when performed
- A piece that is interesting, dramatic, or fun
- A piece that shows your acting ability
- How is a monologue prepared?
- Read the play
- Write down everything you can about your character and try to be those things
- Plan out your movements and how you will use the space available
- Memorize your lines and your movements
- Rehearse until you know it completely
- Ask others to watch you and give suggestions
State Evaluation
Preparation for Talent Theatre State Evaluations
Grades K-6
Parents/Guardians will be notified of the results of the Visual Art Screening. Art portfolios will be returned to the students who did not pass the Visual Art Screening. If your child passed the Visual Art Screening, then their Art portfolios and screening results were forwarded to the Special Education office to await scheduling of the state evaluations. Parents/Guardians will be contacted by the Special Education office to obtain permission and schedule an appointment time for the state evaluation.
- Part I - All students will be interviewed about their theatre interests.
- Part II - Students will be taken through a variety of activities dealing with movement, use of voice, creativity, characterization, imagination, pantomime, and improvisation.
- Part III - (4-6 grades only) Students will be required to act out one memorized monologue from the prepared list ( approximately 45-60 seconds). Costume and props are not allowed (a chair will be provided). Preparations should include the following:
- Plan your movements and how you will use the space available
- Memorize your lines and your movements
- Rehearse until you know the monologue completely
- Ask others to watch you and give you some suggestions
- List of Monolouges (grades 4-6)
Grades 7-12
Parents/Guardians will be notified of the results of the Theatre Screening. If your child passed the Theater Screening, then their screening results were forwarded to the Special Education office to await scheduling of the state evaluations. Parents/Guardians will be contacted by the Special Education office to obtain permission and schedule an appointment time for the state evaluation.
- Part I - All students will be interviewed about their theatre interests.
- Part II - Students will be taken through a variety of activities dealing with movement, use of voice, creativity, characterization, imagination, pantomime, and improvisation.
- Part III - Students will be required to act out a memorized monologue from the prepared list (approximately 2 minutes in length) from the following State approved lists of plays. Costume and props are not allowed (a chair will be provided if needed).
- Plan your movements and how you will use the space available
- Memorize your lines and your movements
- Rehearse until you know the monologue completely
- Ask others to watch you and give you some suggestions
- State-Approved Talented Theatre Playlist (grades 7-12)
- Ability Path - inspiring inclusion
- AdLit - Study Skills & Homework Tips
- American Foundation for the Blind
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
- Autism Speaks
- CAST: Center for Applied Special Technology
- Do2Learn - a resource for individuals with special needs
- Homework Louisiana - free online tutoring, test prep, job search assistance and resources.
- LD Online - All about learning disabilities and ADHD
- National PTA - Special Education Toolkit
- Reading Rockets - Reading Tips for Parents
- Tar Heel Reader - a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books.
- Text to Speech (TTS) Software Programs and Online Tools
- Very Well Mind - Homework Help for Students with ADHD
Staff Directory
- Pupil Appraisal Coordinator
- Special Education Coordinator
- Child Search Coordinator
- IEP Program Facilitators
- Special Education Secondary Program Facilitator
- Special Education Elementary Program Facilitator
- Coordinator of School Wide Intervention Program
- Special Education Technology Facilitator
- OT/PT Coordinator
Pupil Appraisal Coordinator
Susan DuBois
Pupil Appraisal Coordinator
Phone: 310-2176 or 52135 Fax: 542-9947
- Pupil Appraisal Teams
- Discipline (SPED)
- Interim Placement
- Disproportionality Issues
- Child Find
- Bulletin 1508: Pupil Appraisal Handbook
- Evaluations/Reevaluations
- Medicaid Audits
- Surrogate Parents
- OCR Complaints
- Talented Evaluations
- ISC Meetings
Immediate Supervisor to SPED: FBA Social Workers, Coordinator of School Wide Intervention, Pupil Appraisal, Behavior Intervention Specialists, Speech Diagnosticians
Special Education Coordinator
Rachel DiBenedetto Special Education Coordinator Phone: 310-2121 or 52121 Rachel.dibenedetto@tangischools.org
Immediate Supervisor to SPED: SPED Program Facilitators, OTs, PTs, ATs, APE teachers, Teachers of Private and Parochial Schools, Teachers of Visually Impaired |
Child Search Coordinator
Melissa Neeson
Child Search Coordinator
Phone: 310-2156
- Community Outreach
- Evaluations: Home Schooled and Non-Accredited Schools
- ODR: Headstart IEPs, Pre-K, Private/Parochial Pre-K
- Preschool Special Education Program
- Itinerant Preschool
- TS Gold
- Oversees Transition: Ages 2-3
- Referrals: Ages 3-5
- Transition Compliance Report: Part C, Child Search Annual Report
- Mileage: Child Search
Immediate Supervisor to: Child Search
IEP Program Facilitators
IEP Program Facilitators
Fax: (985) 277-5004
Akira Cowart
Phone: 310-2140 or 52140
Tara Kinchen
Phone: 310-2142 or 52142
Willisia Tillery
Phone: 310-2163 or 52163
- Receive Request Forms for Student Attendants (Initial and Review)
- IEP Compliance and Monitoring
- Service Plans
Special Education Secondary Program Facilitator
Mildred Johnson
Transition Coordinator
Phone: 310-2102 or 52102
Supplementary Curriculum Materials
Community Based Instruction
April Dunn Act 833
Pupil Progression: 7-12
Transportation Requests: CBI Field Trips
Special Education Elementary Program Facilitator
Shannon Cusimano
Special Education Elementary Program Facilitator
Phone: 310-2164 or 52164
- Supplementary Curriculum Materials/Unique
- Class Projections: Pre-K
- Pre-K Blended Classrooms
- LEAP Connect
Coordinator of School Wide Intervention Program
Regina Roberts
Coordinator of School Wide Intervention Program
Phone: 310-2146 or 52146
- Literacy/Numeracy Intervention
- Multi-Tier Process
- eGrant (Early Intervening)
- Pre-Referral Intervention Activities
- Professional Development: Intervention Strategies, Data Analysis
- Response to Intervention-Screening
Special Education Technology Facilitator
Erin Rick
Special Education Technology Facilitator
Phone: 310-2150 or 52150
Computers/Technology Equipment
Paraeducator Training
SER Training, Contact Person
Liaison to Technology Department
Assist with AT, VI Programs
SPED Resources
AIM Liaison
Special Education Website
End-of-Year Closeout Procedures
Supplementary Curriculum/Vizzle
OT/PT Coordinator
Tammy Scimeca
OT/PT Coordinator
- OTs, PTs, ATs
- APE Teachers
- Medicaid Billing